Younger Next Year makes a compelling argument that we do not have to age the way we expect: 70 percent of the "normal" decay associated with aging--the weakness, the sore joints, the lousy balance, the feeling crappy--70 percent of that horror can be forestalled almost until the end.
The book is full of science and common sense and funny stories, but there is one, and only one take-away: Harry's Rules. Follow these and you will never need to read another diet, exercise, personal finance or self-help book in your life.
1. Exercise six days a week for the rest of your life.How simple is that?
2. Do serious aerobic exercise four days a week for the rest of your life.
3. Do serious strength training, with weights, two days a week for the rest of your life.
4. Spend less than you make.
5. Quit eating crap!
6. Care.
7. Connect and commit.
Now get going.
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