Since the US economic recovery started in mid-2009, a whopping 97 percent of the new jobs — all but 43,000 of 1.4 million positions created — have gone to the guys, according to data released yesterday by the National Women’s Law Center, which analyzed jobs data between June 2009 and December 2011.
By my calculation, using figures from the BLS, the numbers are even more striking. Since June 2009, women have lost ~750 thousand jobs while men have gained ~1.5 million. Since the bottom in BLS data (December 2009), men have gained 93% of all new jobs (2.62 million of the 2.82 million).

It is important to note that men have simply regained employment they had lost, as the recovery still puts job losses by men above women since the beginning of the recession.
Source: BLS
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