Increasing number of Americans believe in climate change, survey finds; 70% say evidence exists - Entrepreneur Generations

An increasing number of Americans believe evidence exists for global warming, says a survey by the University of Michigan and Muhlenberg College. The survey of 911 participants conducted in September found that 70 percent of Americans believe in the science of climate change, up from 63 percent from a survey from July, Emma Howard reports for The Guardian. "The swing is largely due to recognition of the role that climate change is playing in changing weather patterns, with respondents citing weather events close to home, according to Prof Barry Rabe, a co-author from the University of Michigan."

"Researchers said the significant rise in acceptance is particularly notable among Republicans and evangelical Christian groups," Howard writes. Another factor is Pope Francis, with 15 percent of respondents saying his recent visit to the U.S. made them believers in climate change and 61 percent "supporting the call to action in his landmark climate change encyclical in June." (University of Michigan graphic: Results from the last survey released in July)

from The Rural Blog Increasing number of Americans believe in climate change, survey finds; 70% say evidence exists - Entrepreneur Generations

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