2. We laughed about the city, old friends and I share some of my experiences with examples when asked.
3. I'm studying money, the power people are after from that and the pattern in the exact same in the criminal world than it is in the business world. Now how can you break that into simple terms? I would say 95% of people are great people, funny, smart intelligent and loving. The other 5% are simply psychopaths that don't see it like that ,,,, yet.
4. Let me make it clear, a psychopath is not violent, they are controlling, and control is the opposite of freedom. They could control you with false promises, illusions, tricks, addictions, stories and false promises so the psychopath has profit at heart not health, so you need part psychopath to own a business and that's not a bad thing, read the books on it and it will take you away from Hollywood films. physical, mental, emotional all come in play when it comes to profit, what are you promoting and what for?). 95% of all people is smart, intelligent and funny, the 5% is pyscopath depending on what you feed that part with will grow! 5% could go to 90% if you don't control your mind, everything is relevant.
5. Now how could someone with my past and being signed with schizoaffective disorder ever say that? The same way others have through art, design, lifestyle and transformation over time with the same illness (or creativity) they pour their life into there work and find recovery in their art, passion and lifestyle and have damaged themselves in the process to get that, study history, study examples.
6. Psychopaths are not damaged, they are trained. They are cunning, charismatic and win so it's not a bad personality trait to have, depending on how you use it. Anyone who sells you anything that you don't need is a psychopath, now don't be scared of the word. This will make sense the more you read & you will understand why the rich lose all their friends in the persuit of money.
7. Now this is where it gets deep, I'm asking you to drink the water, eat the apple, run around the park, get your health in order and spend all the time you can with people that you love and never make anything valuable come in between your friendships, family and love. I'm only saying that because I've lost in the past.
8. I lost everything I ever had through control, systems and I was to blame also. I mirrored those in gangs, gangster movies and got myself in deep. I've been around the most dangerous and violent people in this world and only now my worst days have became my biggest lessons, studies and research on human behaviour is what set me free, self mastery and it's a lifetime commitment.
9. They are all just people, and all they can do is promote what they believe into you, it's all they know. That's all anyone can ever do, so It's up to you who and who you want to believe and the mastery of my own life comes from these experiences through my life. I now relax because nothing is under control and it's great, the quality of our life is dependant on how much we can comfortably deal with uncertainty (freedom, the opposite of control). You'll learn this in books, from monks to master minds, poets to artists. That's the search, to serve others but not lose yourself in the process. Life is art ~ Picasso says good artists copy but great artists steel. If you are changing your life then steel the books that can help that happen, pay the price in money for them, steel the ideas and blue print for results is what I mean. Keep forgetting people put price tags on everything, and men would rather for for medals and ribbons than eat an apple with s book (you will understand that one day).
10. Don't think I go into a room full of psychiatrists and promote fruit, tea and reading books. I know human behaviour, criminology, sociology, and psychology through my own personal experiences and self mastery is something that takes years of practice, then you just become a lifetime learner of life itself to produce art & creativity all around you.
11. I've got myself out of those situations by understanding the blue print of others, media story's and my quick lifestyle change was not found overnight, regardless of how it looks.
12. I've used case studies from the lifestyle I came from, good, bad, behind closed doors, to what young ones in my situation become later in life from the parents they have had and have dedicated my life to this study, this art of living a good life on your terms regardless of how it was in the past.
13. I would never sell anything on Facebook, a product, a thing or a prize for those reasons. It's people deep in study who want me to share this, not hippies Buddhists and vegans like you may expect. Or an old school mate or maybe even a women that likes me but doesn't feel confident enough to ask (I'm kidding, I'm to far gone in study to be thinking that way now. I fall for mindsets not lust, not many women flaunting mindsets in the modern world. I think they should ~ jk Rollaand, Oprah Winfrey etc). Could listen to them all day!
14. I believe in the law, the country, society, people and animals. I also believe that people are not the titles they attach to, they come so tied up in the image thet believe the image is who they are.
15. I'm a plan for and enjoy anything guy and don't take things serious to enjoy life under any circumstance, post traumatic growth is a title used for someone who grows in adversity and hard times, from rubble to a lifestyle on there terms.
16. I don't attend crowded events, don't enjoy being put on a podium and used to find even the running competitions hard to understand as my perception of competition came from when people where trying to end my life in the past. So I laugh with my running mates now, I love how they are competitive in a good way and they taught me how to be in this life I live now. In the Crimson world people would shake your hand take your partner to bed, talk about money and set you up for a prison record so my perception of competition was different. With running, it's just fun, so is competition anywhere away from that carry on! Even Mike Tyson would of ran out of energy in that lifestyle, trying to figure out who's what. It's funny when I look at it all now, it's created great stories!
17. Having good people around me has changed my whole life, my personal philosophy, and it's easy to understand when people do or say things to me now because freedom is the opposite of control. You either give freedom to others or control others every-time you speak, act, walk and talk. Having freedom to me is not belonging to any crowd, party, gang, politics, patriotism or anything like that. I just be me and be with people who love me for that.
18. Money, power and buisness are about profit. Why would you promote apples, water, meditation, share your life and reading books if there is no profit involved then? Outcome is the income, success is one thing, impact is another.
19. I have more case studies and experience in modern psychology of human behaviour along with my own that no person in a suit with a degree could ever teach. You don't need a degree to validate what you know when you have experience, always put your life experiences to good use!
20. So why don't you ask people online for money? Because that's what everyone else does and it's not why I do it, people with the money can pay me for that information, the people on my social media look at me for the life I live now, not me as salesman. Not for the studies I've learned, but they can have my blue print if they want. The results and examples for free. Resting heart rate
33, marathon 4:53 to 2:55, 21 plus stone to 12 and a half stone. After shock to apples, budwiesers to books, and cocaine to cherrys, prison to papaya, mental illness to peak health and wellness. A high performing do absolutely nothing lifestyle from bonkers to boring :)
21. Wake up 4am, meditate, share stories. 6am run, read books, gym, swim, sauna, steam, jacuzzi and dedicate my life to the art of living a good life while studying and living in passion. Meet family, friends, new people, attend seminars, museums parks, gardens and galleries.
22. What people practice for years in private gets rewarded in public, people watch a movie for 3 hours. A persons empowerment seminar can take 24 hours and longer, society is made for the quick entertainment fix not long term empowerment solution. Rather than eat an apple for health, people have a health bar for example.
23. Those who look into my journey are not after motivation, money, riches or fame, they probably feel something deeper from my story. It's personal empowerment, walking away from the crowd, doing your own thing and living life on your terms. What's not great about that?
24. In the criminal world people would give you free samples of addictions, so you come back. Fast food companies do the same, with coffee, high sugar foods and all of those addictions? Well if you crave it, then it's an addiction ~ that's psychology.
25. Whether it's lemsip, cigarettes, alcohol, gambling, even money then you are controlled by the craving you have. So are the people addicted bad people? Off course they are not, no person is a bad person they just attach to the labels that can make them be addicted or do bad things. How do they change? Get around others who have changed, books, seminars, talks, YouTube, examples and just do what they do.
26. Where are you going with all of this William? I want to free your mind, from negativity, self doubt, control and replace it with love, personal power, empowerment, life lessons and bring you closer to knowing you already have everything you need inside of you to create the perfect times in your life and raise your level of giving back in some way to people or animals around you.
27. But I have everything, I know you do! That last question you would of argued with ,., but the rest of them has your focus, your not supposed to agree with them, remember. Relax, nothing is under control, let yourself think. That's what changes you! Your wise, you are strong and you are interested how someone like me has got away from the life I once had and are getting tired of the vegan posts, but your endurance has paid off when others hid the boring parts, had enough of looking you stuck by, in knowing that I don't sell products or business openly, there's no profit to be had. So why are you reading? You know don't you, success leaves clues!
28. My mission in life is simple. Love people & love animals.
29. I never met a vegan murderer in all my times in prison, I've looked online and discover some silly articles but nothing solid but that's what extroverts do, they try and promote their opinion of the world by giving you someone else's reality and facts so you believe them. Introverts listen to their own inside for reality and it can be very scary letting that part out, through fear of rejection, hurt and failure especially in an extrovert world. Now here's the truth, the minute you let your love loose the world will give you whatever you need, but you need to ask and drown out the voice of uncertainty. Get busy living, or get busy dying!
30. Introverts are beautiful strong and intelligent, they have so much inside of them. So much to let out, they probably get told by friends that they think to much, read to much or study to much so in return leave all their inner power to others to sort out with media examples of how the world should feel!
31. In a world of extroverts, loudness, partying and media stories convincing you the world is a bad place, look people are dying, look at this but never show you a slaughterhouse with glass doors. Then who's really got you into feeling how you feel?
32. I will say it again my mission in life is simple, love people and love animals.
33. I stay away from titles and believe all humans are on a journey. The guy Buddha wasn't born enlightened and no matter how bad something was in the past "whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve".
34. Being an example of life rather than an opinion of it is something that can shine better than any spot light.
35. Even the 5% I say are psychopaths can be changed, but not by feeding their power. Imagine this ....
36. If everybody started to eat apples, drink water, read books, relax and stop paying the drug dealer for drugs then what would happen to that business? Cigarettes? Dead animals? Alcohol? Entertainment? I'm not saying any of them are not good, or bad. I'm just saying your choices create your control or freedom you have in your life.
37. Don't feed anyone who misbehaves, rewarding that behaviour is growing that behaviour. Now do you know why talk shows have more views than personal development?
38. People prefer entertainment to empowerment because empowerment puts the power on you and the control away from you. In return the freedom, health, choices and lifestyle are your choice with nobody else but you to figure out.
39. But what about the significance of showing your friends what you have, just show them how much you don't have and see who still wants tea and conversation, it's great.
40. Personal empowerment comes from making peace with your past, understanding everyone is on s journey, turning your worst days into your best days, creating a lifestyle, message, business or service to other people on your terms through your own example.
41. It doesn't happen by accident or by chance, you go on the path, you meet the people, you change your life and you find a way to give back, help, develop and bring life forward.
42. Did you feel crazy just sharing everything, turning the camera around on yourself with no money in the middle of nature alone ... Yes, I felt crazy, passionate and obsessed that my life example was going to transform life.
43. Why 10 minute videos, why the long writing? Why not a short quote or selfie with a medal? Because I'm not doing it for significance, readers are leaders, those looking for things deserve to get them.
44. Why did you go on tv, media and everything else then. Because I believe in fruit & vegetables, water, running, books and freedom and if I can do it we all can, regardless of what happened in the past.
45. Do you still run, why don't you talk about it?
46. My focus was ultra running, I had the blinkers on back then. Just sharing only fruit, running and my story to show freedom, I never opened up my strengths or vision then. I didn't need too.
47. So why do you keep doing it? Because I love it, it's freedom and people can take some points & leave the rest. I'm not after control, I don't need it to validate who I am,
48. The purpose is to encourage you over time to have a brand new life of health, education, constant knowledge and reading more, being more, doing more & giving more. Regardless of what's been done in the past.
49. What's my end goal? My work will outlast my life time, just like any other person with the creative illness as in the words of all philosophers there is no genius without madness.
50. My genius was escaping madness to have a cup of tea, meditate, sleep, read, run and eat fruit. It's simple isn't it? Not easy, but it's simple.
51. My role models in life are Gandhi, Ajhan brahm, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, sir walter Scott, Ray Lewis, Michael Jordan, Henrik Larson, Lunomir moravcik, Michael franchese, Tony Robbins, Jim rohn, Robert kiyosaki, Jimmy Boyle, Bobby sands, Dalai Lama, warren buffet, Henry ford, Da Vinci, van goth, Salvador Duvali, van Goethe, William Wallace, Henry ford, napoolean hill, Andrew Carnegie, Albert Einstein, Carl Jung, Wayne Dwyer, Andy Dufresne, Rubin hurricane Carter, Nelson Mandela, Rembrandt, Marie Currie, Mozart, Michael Arnstein, Gabriel hallaseh, mo Farah, Oscar Wilde, Lao Tzu, Ronnie O'Sullivan, kahlil Gibran, the Buddha, Stephen hawking, Eric Thomas, Dan Pena, Peter sage, Matthew let tissier, Robert burns, elvis Presley, Bob Dylan, Bob Marley, Martin Luther King, mother Theresa, Bruce Lee, Robert Greene, kipsang, Buddhist marathon monks, Richard Branson, Jesus, Mohammed, deepak choirs, ekhart tolle, Paula Radcliffe, Murikama, Brendan brazier, doctor John mcdougall, foyd Mayweather, serena Williams, Tom Brady, Greg plitt, Mohammed Ali, Connor McGregor, Arnold swarch.... ☺️ you know who iPhone auto correct, Steve jobs, it's amazing what pops into the mind with connections to words isn't it, Alexander the Great, winston Churchill, Charles Darwin, David Attenborough, tiger woods, rich roll and a whole lot more. I've no idea how much of my life I've spent studying, and the more I learn the less I know and the list just keeps getting bigger. I know what works for me now and as a grown man I have the power to do what I love all day, as a youth I made the wrong choices by following crowds and paths I chose back then that led me to great experiences but also great pain but with the life experiences that led me to this new path of freedom, health and constant and never ending self improvement, I will always be blessed and grateful --- what a man reads pours massive ingredients into his mental factory.
I like books on religion, astrology, stars, planets, countries, nature and history too. That's why I love museums and art galleries. Had to hide all this stuff in my teenage years or I wouldn't have had the girlfriends and friends I did. Great experiences along with crazy times, but those are gone and replaced with the birth of new living & studying.
And all my friends I've met on the journey forward have influenced all parts of my life, including online. Everything and everybody influences the person you become. Nobody does it all on their own, good or bad!
52. You would have to be a complete idiot to not understand that success leaves clues, & if you study the people get the lie blue print you can be have, be, do and discover anything you want and adapt it into your own life. Your life will change when you change in the process, and through this study is how you turn your worst days into your best days. Now do you understand why I say read the book, eat the apple, mediate, sleep well, go out with nature and that you are more powerful than you think & can do a lot more than you can imagine. Don't follow any one person, study them all!
53. People don't pay attention to things they don't pay for in modern time, so if your reading this then you are getting things that other people would pay for. Your also the sort of person who likes books, museums and the things I do other than just want to beat me at a running race ☺️Well done, you deserve that, because this life will give you whatever you search for & ask for. Ask the questions 😉
54. Now you know that life is just people promoting what they believe to be true onto you, what's stopping you living life everyday on your terms? What's stopping you going to the library to pick up a new book, a new museum or a new mountain, what's stopping you studying animals or changing your health and food choice?
55. If you are not hurting anyone, promoting hurt or wanting to prove to people that you are significant. Then the world is always puts, when you stay away from the illusions and the tricks of the trade and learn the trade itself you will have complete peace and all the beauty, joy and love will come from your inside out and everything you accumulate on earth will come from love and freedom. Now sing, dance, go for a hot bath, walk in the park, write a story, meet some person for tea and think more and and keep living a good life.
from William Robertson http://ift.tt/1PH1I3x Human behaviour, psychology and behaviour - Entrepreneur Generations
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