Knowle relocation project >>> Pegasus plans in full >>> "They are planning over 120 dwellings on the site, whereas the emerging Local Plan proposes only 50." - Entrepreneur Generations

There has been a lot of comment about the proposed development for Knowle:
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project >>> Pegasus plans in full >>> feedback on Streetlife
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project >>> Pegasus plans in full >>> "Milton Keynes is coming to Sidmouth!"

This is the latest from the Herald:

Revealed: developer’s 126-home Knowle plan

19:37 27 November 2015
An ariel view of the PegasusLife plans for Knowle.
An ariel view of the PegasusLife plans for Knowle.
A developer lined up to buy the East Devon District Council (EDDC) offices at Knowle has unveiled its vision for a retirement community on the site.
At an exhibition this week, PegasusLife revealed it is planning to build up to 126 one and two-bedroom apartments on the 4.7-acre plot.
The bulk of the proposed accommodation would be in the form of three and four-storey blocks built in place of the EDDC offices and former hotel building. A restaurant and gym facilities also feature - both of which would be open to the public.
However, the development will include no ‘affordable’ homes and the apartments will only be available to people aged 60 and over.
Campaigners have reacted by commending the firm’s apparent wish to involve the town in its plans - but say they would have appreciated more information on the size, styles and massing of the proposed buildings.
Pegasus’s planned development would be spread over two sections - with the restaurant, ‘wellness’ facilities and some apartments built in place of the asphalt car parks. The current council offices, with the exception of the listed Caretaker’s Cottage building, would be bulldozed to make way for the majority of the development’s housing.
The company has previously said the apartments will cater for residents with a range of care needs - ‘from low-level right up to dementia that does not require a secure environment’.
Richard Thurlow, chairman of the Sid Vale Association’s conservation and planning committee, told the Herald: “A surprising admission was that they are planning over 120 dwellings on the site, whereas the emerging Local Plan [yet to be reported on by a planning inspector] proposes only 50.
“While appreciating their wish to minimise their plans in advance of their planning application, we feel it is a pity that they have not been more open with [the size, styles and massing of the buildings they plan], which bearing in mind that they must submit an application by March next year, must be well advanced. The exhibition focused almost wholly on the Knowle parkland, and the external surroundings of their large development. Whilst we appreciate their apparent wish to involve the Sidmouth public in this, the parkland will in any event remain in public hands.
“It is to be hoped, though, that Pegasus, should their application succeed, will contribute to its improvement and maintenance.”
The developer says it will review feedback from this week’s exhibition and adjust its plans accordingly. It hopes to return to Sidmouth in January to showcase the revised proposals, before submitting a formal planning application in March.

Revealed: developer’s 126-home Knowle plan - News - Sidmouth Herald

See also:
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: deciding to sell >>> Audit and Scrutiny combined Cttees: Thursday 12th March >>> reports
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: deciding to sell >>> Full Council: Wednesday 25th March >>> and more reports

Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: deciding to sell >>> 'overage' and the dangers of selling Knowle short

Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: contracts exchanged for sale with preferred bidder Pegasus
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: contracts exchanged: >>> "The council's continued commitment to hand over the remaining parkland to the ownership of Sidmouth Town Council."
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: selling off assets for £1

Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: Pegasus as preferred bidder... However, its proposals for ‘one of the finest coastal properties’ in South Devon have been rejected by Dawlish Town Council 'on the grounds of overdevelopment'.

Real Zorro: Knowle mystery bidder - Pegasus Life
Streetlife | Pegasus goes into PR mode about The Knowle
Streetlife | Knowle redevelopment
Decision process which led to the award of the conditional contract with Pegasus re Knowle - a Freedom of Information request to East Devon District Council - WhatDoTheyKnow

from Futures Forum Knowle relocation project >>> Pegasus plans in full >>> "They are planning over 120 dwellings on the site, whereas the emerging Local Plan proposes only 50." - Entrepreneur Generations

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