Marshall University launches peer-reviewed medical journal focusing on Appalachia - Entrepreneur Generations

Marshall University, located in southwestern West Virginia near the Ohio and Kentucky borders, has launched a peer-reviewed, open-access online medical journal that will focus on Appalachia. The Marshall Journal of Medicine "accepts scholarly articles, including case studies, original research, review articles and letters to the editor," writes Leah Payne, director of public affairs. "Articles also receive Digital Object Identifiers, or DOIs, from the CrossRef organization to ensure they can always be found. The journal does not charge for submission." Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis online at For more information, e-mail

Joseph I. Shapiro, M.D., dean of the School of Medicine, said in a statement: "This journal is another step toward establishing a culture in our School of Medicine that prioritizes research. Showcasing research that is focused on better health outcomes for our region goes hand in hand with our overall mission of fostering a skilled physician workforce to meet the health care needs of West Virginia and central Appalachia.” (Read more)

from The Rural Blog Marshall University launches peer-reviewed medical journal focusing on Appalachia - Entrepreneur Generations

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