My journey to veganism is deep - Entrepreneur Generations

1. "My journey to veganism is deep, emotional and something I don't talk about a lot publicly .... But since I'll be talking about it publicly now and most of you wont be at the SECC next week I'll share it with you guys too" 

2. "Those who have suffered deeply could understand this deeper ... Imagine the worst day of your life, a death, a break up, emotional pain, a broken bone. Now imagine living your whole life in this pain, whats the cure?" 

3. "I've been many places, with attempts taken on my life many times in The past. I've got stab wounds on my head, scars all over my body and teeth kicked in from me battling as a kid" 

4. "Since age 7 I wanted to end my life but by age 10 I learned how to survive and by age 12 I learned about the power of having the wrong peer group and having to be the wrong person to survive the wrong places" 

5. "Prison was easy compared to the lifestyle of knifes, bottles, bricks, alcohol and everything else. Prison levelled the playing field though and put me and my character forward"

6. "I thrived inside, I refused meals and took care of my body and mind. I took on anyone who tried to stop me, I never knew love, only war and I did press ups and sit ups and lots of reading looking to the hills outside of polmont with one word on my mind "freedom". 

7. "In solitary I learned self love, I learned to read, write and looked to others with deeper understanding to life by the example they left behind in books" 

8. "I got out and and went back to the culture of alcohol and silly chit chat with no action, I lost it and chased what everyone else does as a teenager" 

9. "Went on holiday with friends and just ripped up money thinking the only way people will ever love me in that lifestyle was if I was loud and buying drinks, I gave them a good time and great laugh but nobody knew what a real conversation was then and nobody knew who I was either" 

10. "Sectioned in Greece with blood pouring out of my body, just like it used to pour out in prison and on the streets before then. This time I was tasered and put in a high security mental asylum with no way out in the heat and a padded cell" 

11. "Everyone left me on my way back home that said loved me, I had nothing and lost everything & rightly so. I had no get well soon cards or I'm here for you texts" 

12. "On my travels around Scotland I started to learn mediation alone, got brought back to the old life with alcohol and old friends as I thought I better get a girlfriend now" 

13. "Becoming a dad, I poured out this past to my partner for a new start from that day as family. This past was used against me so I walked away and was left alone 21 stone, fat, unhealthy, broke and in tears this time, I was alone but I felt love"

14. "My daughter coming into the world showed me what love was, she showed me the one thing I had been searching my life for in a person, then even the cows in the field had those same eyes. They had their children taken from them and robbed of their milk and I said that day that nobody will put an animal in a packet for me, nobody will feel the need to rob a mother of their baby or milk and I'm living by example" 

15. "My love for animals gave me more strength on the journey, as times grew with me and my daughter travelling parts of the country too and building family relationships with my mum and dad again. I was a rebel and my transformation was for them too and the strangers I met on my travels gave me the gift of love that I could never repay, that's what makes me keep giving to strangers now rather than take up the invites to party's and events at the weekend" 

16. "Coming back from those days to create how I live now has been a journey, one I would never swap and it's all been done through love" 

17. "I don't force the vegan word to others because the suffering that took me to understand what the animals go through & I wish no human to feel any of that pain I once did" 

18. "There's three ways people go from my past and they are death, life with addiction and a chip on the shoulder or to the last which is love. When a human goes for love then they are unstoppable, I laugh a lot but there's lots of reasons for that I hold even deeper, spirit bruised never broken and all that" 

19. "I don't ask anyone for anything, I learned to be self reliant, self aware, and live life by example and that's why I hold no flag, politics or group way of thinking" 

20. "I am a different person from the old days through choice, but the mental toughness has always been there and didn't come from just fruit & vegetables. It came from experience and unconditional love" 

21. "The talks I give to people are deep, personal and eye opening also. I don't preach and I don't tell people what's right or wrong, I simply just speak from the heart on whatever subject comes up, life experience makes good chat" 

22. "My veganism is my choice & this love will outlast life itself, because what would be the point living without love and that's why I do all that I do. My daughter, loved ones, animals and strangers" 

23. "What makes a father do all he has with his life to create this freedom and health, to live this way and to never stop growing? Love, freedom and health ~ It's that simple it had nothing to do with anything else" 

24. "When values are in place then life decisions are easy, so when people ask me why I'm vegan I just smile and reply simply with because it gets the results in life I'm after" 

25. "I wear my pain like a badge of honour, I know what I've survived, I know what I've came through, I know why I wake up at 4am and I know why I'm alive and why I read books and why I share my life. I know why I eat, why I breathe and why I drink water. Why I meditate and why I plan for the future and why I don't follow the herd into the shops they go into. When I eat an apple it's a deeper connection than you could ever imagine. 

26. Fruit, vegetables. Munch munch happy happy self esteem health, freedom and love goes through the roof .....  Now you didn't think I just went vegan to run ultra marathons did you? I went vegan to change the world ....... The world I live in everyday of love, health and freedom 

27. I know give talks on psychology to doctors, along with all other things I don't make public. The SECC will be fun and I'll make it fun rather than deep as everyone who meets me says the same thing .... You are completely different from how you are online, you smile and laugh a lot .... Yes because online I'm writing philosophy and when I turn the camera around on myself I hide the smiles and laughter as doing that myself wouldn't look so smart. 

28. Every character has a past, a story and a journey. Without those days then people wouldn't have a character and that's not a bad thing. As we live in a charisma based culture with not much depth.

29. Maybe a guy like me might change that, but if not. Then I'm living in my own truth and that's the best freedom that any human being can ever feel with all of those around them. 

30. You have not lived fully until you can do things for the hearts of those who can never repay you. 


from William Robertson My journey to veganism is deep - Entrepreneur Generations

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