Protect Yourself from NSA Attacks and Don't Do Anything Stupid - Entrepreneur Generations

Global Economic Analysis - Entrepreneur Generations - Can you protect yourself from NSA attacks?

If they are determined to get you, I suspect probably not, but there is no reason to make it easy for them either.

Reader "CJ" sent me a link to the November 15, Schneier on Security Crypto-Gram suggesting I take a look.

I did and I pass on "CJ's" suggestion to everyone else concerned.

Don't Do Anything Stupid

One of the links from Schneier on Security involves a Woman Cheated Out of $825 After Posting Photo of Winning Ticket to Facebook.

A woman named Chantelle placed a $20 bet on the 100-to-1 shot Prince of Penzance at this year’s Melbourne Cup, Australia’s most prestigious Thoroughbred horse race. The Prince of Penzance ended up winning the race, netting Chantelle a total of $825 in winnings.

She blocked out part of the barcode with her fingers, and it appears the story blackened out more, but someone, likely a "Facebook Friend" reconstructed the barcode and collected the winnings.

How to Protect Yourself from NSA Attacks

I followed another link from Schneier to this story on How to Protect Yourself from NSA Attacks by the Electronic Frontier Foundation on defending your rights in the digital world.

I followed the article's advice and made corrections to both Firefox and Google Chrome even though the author notes there is a trade-off: "Removing your clients support for "_DHE_" ciphers will eliminate the risk of this [NSA] attack, but it may also remove Forward Secrecy support altogether for some sites. Here's how to remove those "_DHE_" cipher suites if you still have them ...".

Much of the article was way above my head, but I found the instructions for Firefox and Chrome easy enough to follow.

If nothing else, please be careful of what you post on Facebook and elsewhere. I tend not to use Facebook at all, except for automatic posting of my blog links.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

from Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis Protect Yourself from NSA Attacks and Don't Do Anything Stupid - Entrepreneur Generations

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