Lots of people keep asking about my running what's next and so on... I'll let you know the stats, figures, where I started from and how it all works and give you an idea of the roadblocks and other things along the way and who actually gave me more ammunition to succeed. So here goes ...
2010 - I started a journey on my own around Scotland to learn peace, mindfulness, meditation and after meeting so many amazing people I wanted inspire others to go outdoors too, and just enjoy the level of peace I was now feeling in life from the lifestyle change. I used a blog and iPhone camera for this, YouTube, Google and blogger.
2011 - Best photo took at photography course and was writing for magazine but left because they said my writing was to deep. Used the blog again as philosophy and mindset is my thing.
2012 - New relationship started, found out I was going to be a dad, and after coming back from our holiday in Africa I decided to go vegetarian. It was the start of a single journey also and working out what's best for us all as a single parent family. I weighed just over 21 stone (135 kg) before I went vegetarian.
2013 - January 30th at 18:29 our daughter Ava-Jane was born. That day I made a promise to our daughter that I would do everything I could to make her happy, to make her smile and be the best dad that I possibly could.
Kept writing, travelling around Scotland, even ran a 26.2 mile marathon weighing 19 stone unfit and with no training and hillwalking shoes in 4 hours 53. As I said it was time to step up as a father, in every area of my life now, I didn't want to be a fat unfit dad. Passed courses in counselling and psychology, swapped TV for reading and getting educated.
2014 - Ran the marathon in 3:11. Ran 100 miles against everyone's advice also, went vegan and now was enjoying the plant powered ultra life, everything was clicking into place, still reading, still getting educated, moved into a new house beside the canal away from the high flats and also blew up at the Amsterdam marathon too, not all the races have been successes with hands raised that's for sure. Was on all the newspapers, TV and gave speeches and talks along the way with helping out behind the scenes also and have lots of mail and letters from that which I always keep in my heart. That's what kept me staying out there instead of logging off.
2015 - Ran 702 miles in January, signed of a leaderboard in 1st place because I was in competition with no one but myself, nobody could understand this but it wasn't for them to understand. This didn't go down well with others, but maybe they should read my history more, ran the marathon in 2:55 and received mail about my past of prison and maybe they looked to much into my blog (wee joke). Everyone said you can't race every week, you can't do this, you can't just give up everything, you can't go vegan, you can't do this or that, I've lost count of those telling me what I can or can't do, what they didn't understand is that I stopped listening to that kind of chat a long time ago. I was locked abroad with no hope at one point, but hope is for people on a prayer bench it's something I've never relied on and I don't believe in luck either. I wasn't seeing my daughter at this time so just thought I'll go and race every week now and see how the fruit and vegetables is going for me ... And see if it's working ...
Finished 1st place at a 10k
Glasgow to edinburgh 55 miler 7:47 (5th)
Manchester 26.2 marathon (2:55)
Hoka highland fling 53 miles 8:26 (17th)
Kintyre way 35 miles (2nd place)
Once again it was never about the competition ... It was all about what I set out to do in 2010, inspire others with my lifestyle. I just raised the standards of myself more when my daughter was born and kept on going. I now weigh just over 12 stone and have done for a long time (80-81kg)
Success would mean nothing without fulfilment, it would mean nothing without the mails from you guys, the support, the new friends on the journey, the close friendships and the love. To the opening of new ideas, relationships, and new styles of living, I'm just forever grateful.
Finished 3rd at this years 100 miler, 4 hours faster than last year going from 14th place to 3rd place, but most importantly I learned that day that nobody does it on their own, I've got so many people to thank in my life, so much love and I've did everything I set out to do and got so much more in return that all the gold on earth could not add up too.
I'm not into big goals and high setting, I just run because I love it. Health and fitness is my lifestyle, I love to write, read & connect and look forward to the SECC next week speaking at vegfest, what a privilege it is to add value to others and animals at the same time. Thank you, and it's true what they say about life getting your goals is one thing, but doing it against all odds is another.
Resting heart - 33
Weight - 80-81kg
Marathon - 4:53 to 2:55
2000m rowing - 7:01
Bench press - 90kg (body weight 80)
Books read - ..... (kidding)
Daily record, sun, daily mail, the mirror, running magazines, health magazines, heart health and mental health magazines, STV show, STV news and news night scotland, fun being invited on the TV for all different things but really just being myself. Featured in some short films, charity events and running advert.
I've lost count of everything and really I'm just blessed, I'm grateful and I just want to keep saying if I can do it, then we all can do it!
I now don't focus to much on running competitions, I just love the training. The weekends are time with my daughter and next year I'll do the London marathon, 100 miler and looking into 24 hour track race. Love being in the water too, the indoor gym & will always be vegan and plant based and always living like I do now. I've changed a lot over the years but I've found my peace, my home, my passion, my purpose, my lifestyle and I share it with you for so many reasons now. For the animals as well as being an example, to keep on moving forward in life.... Although I don't put runs, selfies and all the training up I'm still doing it, hit my ankle yesterday on the mountains and this years total so far for the miles and elevation is .....
3,639 miles and 154,777 feet of elevation. Not as many as I set out for but its better to aim high and miss, rather than aim low and hit!
What an amazing journey! I'm blessed to have had the chance to open up to you guys along the way, thank you for everything, for helping in more ways than you could ever know. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Now it's my turn to watch more, study more and celebrate more as we all make the rest of our life the best of our life's.
Eat the apple, drink the water, read the book, have a nice sleep and be the best you for everyone around you. Not saying wake up at 4am ~ just wake up and give yourself the love that you deserve and let that pour out to every other area of your life.
Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve, regardless of how many times you may have failed in the past.
#LoveTheJourney ❤️
from William Robertson http://ift.tt/1IeyBDB Results over the years, I'm forever grateful - Entrepreneur Generations
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