The Karma Cafe - Entrepreneur Generations

1. Now I'm coming to the end of my opening up journey about myself I can now share future goals, insights, stories and education with you all. 

2. My future goals are to now transfer my own story on social media into an open library of others, unique stories, thought provoking ideas and inspiration for you all along the way on your journey forward through this life. 

3. I love education, learning and reading so it's time to share this part now and feel free to share, leave behind your thoughts on stories and add comments or even recommend some new books or stories to read when you feel. 

4. A long time ago I learned meditation, travelled around scotland, even locked myself in the house for 30 days in solitude on my own long before I was a dad to learn meditation deeper so what you see now is a result of many endurance things I've done over the years of transformation. 

5. There's lots of things people don't know and I laugh a lot when telling it all now.  I didn't like saying Buddhism publicly because of the stigma attached to religion so I just live by example and let my results speak for themselves, karma is the belief that everybody gets what they deserve in life so there's no avoiding the suffering of the world. 

6. The only way to stop suffering is to control your mind, accept everything in life and that everything is also relevant and so much so that no outside circumstances can harm your mental peace. There's no Gods or rules on how to live, basically your happiness, your freedom, your health is on your own shoulders and through the practice you set yourself free. 

7. Losing weight and running a marathon was never the goal for me .. I wrote down in March 2013 that I was going to open up my journey deeply against all advice from everyone around me and just run and show a lifestyle that could inspire others and be an example as not just a person but as a father by my actions rather than listen to words of others around me ever again & now I believe my work is done.

8. My running goal was to run a sub 3 marathon and qualify for the majors around the world then run 100 miles which have been done & I just enjoy running now and will travel doing so but don't need to talk about it as its really just who I am now. 

9. I enjoy talking about my failures, mess ups and fun times more than I do the successes. Looking back all the success would be useless without the struggle, karma wouldn't make sense and neither would life to me if it wasn't about the whole journey. 

10. That's why I believe everyone is on a journey, either to create life better for themselves, for others around them and the animals, action (karma) is an ongoing effect of the life you are in charge of and what you can help with it so now I want to add in lots of stories, education, books, ideas, inspiration I've had a long the way and yes I'll still make a video every now and then too. Was doing more for a while there and glad you all liked my speech, when talking at seminars its a bit different and longer too but the people at seminars know what they are coming for then as the story or topic is on the board or ticket. The videos on YouTube/Facebook/Google I just be me with you my friends online, to say if I can do it we all can do it. 

11. There's always a method to any madness, you know I love the animals, I love nature and the meditation keeps my inside focused on the things that matter most in life, to always stay grounded on the path and journey I've chose as all the outside and influences in city life always try to force you into picking a certain side in some war, country or whatever is on the news. The most important things always seem to get get left out like love, education, real life, nature, animals and acceptance of the now. Great things happen everyday that don't get reported, and the best books are also the ones hidden too. It's a treasure hunt, find your gems :) 

12. I love the city centre as much as I love the countryside though because I'm not pushed forward by the outside world, I'm just me. I'm deep, passionate and very personal about what I'm doing all the time, every breath, every step and every experience in my life is all my karma (action) to share with you. 

13. If I told you I was vegan, Buddhist and loved books before I met you then you would never of got the full story. The ultra running and all the other labels would not have been there, just be a guy eating fruit who feels good and wants to say to the world you can too. 

14. I always believe in living by example, taking charge and living a good life because there's so many opinions out there. It's nice to get criticised too as I just see it as someone caring for my existence, If it goes to far then that's different but the stronger you become in life the gentler you are ~ I even got my first "You can't learn real life in books yesterday" it was funny. 

15. The purpose of books is having a mirror of others who inspire you, the same reason you go on social media or watch TV ~ it's those who have walked a path you can learn from that can even open, unlock and unleash the deeper core to your personal power and beliefs you can go into share with others that you would of seen hidden if that book or person didn't light the new spark in you. Just like the tv, music, opinions of others can influence people, I choose books, seminars and quotes. Inspiration means in spirit, a connection with that source and motivation means motive for action. Your actions come from your inspiration or even desperation, but always chose inspiration then you will run and meditate longer. 

16. I keep close friends, always network and get around new game changing ideas all the time, but love to be behind the scenes a lot more now with life. I can listen to speeches, hold deep communication and love public speaking also but for the small chat, text messaging, talk of the weather, what's the big topic on tv or people who go on phones to others when communicating in person are things I avoid and do not participate in (We get what we attach to, or settle for in life). The phone to me is something to connect to the outside world with, to you guys, to share this journey forward on a deeper level away from small talk. Bigger statuses, is really more connection with who pays attention in your life long term is what I've learned as I've met so many of you amazing people through opening up, I couldn't imagine my life if I never now. 

17. I love using this gadget to have the knowledge and inspiration all over the world at our fingertips, it's like a treasure hunt.  Just like a book shop or communication with family, friends, strangers or times with animals. It's all golden! 

18. Most people don't read much, so in the world of tweets and quick style prove a new science theory blogging article added with a quick newspaper article of information with no example in a person, then those people who can't concentrate for more than 10 minutes on a task will mostly be consumers rather than producers of life, and tell you that you think to much, but it's all relevant. Better to be around thinkers, and open minds, it just makes more sense. 

19. I always reaffirm to eat the apple, drink the water, meditate and sleep well. These are the basis of peak mental health, then everything you build on top is your creation from your actions (karma), what you connect to, who you connect to, what you read, feed and strengthen your mind with. 

20. The open part is done for me now, I thought the running would have taken 5 years. It's been less than 3, bleeding nipples, broken toes and hurt to make it all look easy with a smile every mile approach knowing every step was closer to the goal was worth it. Pain matured me in every step of the way, and that's the greatest gratification, overcoming my pain inspired others to do the same. I thought Buddhism was crazy when they said everybody understands suffering and it can all be used to turn shit into something special. Now I know & now I can teach that by example. 

21. This is the karma cafe, and you all get what you deserve on this page (read this part in a gentle voice, karma does not mean what the TV tells you) it's all about inner intention, your action and end results. Namaste ❤️

from William Robertson The Karma Cafe - Entrepreneur Generations

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