The unrealistic goal to be knighted by the queen - Entrepreneur Generations

What's my next goal? To get knighted by the queen. Why? Because it's unrealistic and having goals that high takes a certain kind of person. Looking into my past, my results, my lifestyle now and being an ultra running athlete and free to explore the outdoors you would think why would you want to be knighted? Why would you need any recognition? I don't and I don't need anything, but I do want to continually expand, grow and contribute all I possibly can as a human being, when we reach our goals in life then other people can slow down, think it's over and stop to relax but that's not for me. Education was always a big thing to me as a kid, I loved to study and was always intuitive and I just love to learn, the more I learn the more I understand I don't know and how much I can still learn, it's great! 

Over the past few years I've had phenomenal results and now I stand in peak physical, mental and emotional health. I'm an example of the transformation of the mind, but also of the opportunities this country gives to people in order to create, build and become the best version of ourselves.  I believe education and public library's puts everything on a level playing field for everyone regardless of the background, or what someone has gone through in the past. The person I will have to become over the next 20, 30 or even 40 years in order to be in a position to even look at getting knighted will take and astonishing amount of learning, developing, growing and best of all contributing. With the books I will have to read, the mote people I can be of service too and all at the same time having a compassionate food choice to fuel my mind, heart and spirit on the journey. Life is really about the journey, and how much we can give. Having goals so big that it takes more than our own lifetime to achieve them is the idea, of leaving behind my own example in life to who and what I love is everything to me. 

When you tell goals to friends, family and others, it may shock them but if it never then it wouldn't be a big enough goal, it would be an easy reality they could not their head and say go for it. An example I was to say I'm going to be a multi millionaire in 5 years then lots of people already are, I'm going to write books then lots of people already do, public speaking then lots of people already do, compete at ultra marathons and enjoy nature then lots of people already do and these things are phenomenal but that's the simple approach and I will be helped on that, but to say coming from my past that I want to be knighted hasn't been done before and it's a lifetime goal to be added to the lifetime grind I celebrate everyday from what I've built from where I came from, this healthy body, mind and emotional strength. To now say I wan't to be knighted takes it to a whole different level of lifestyle, an unrealistic goal that I've got to grow into a whole new person all over again, and do it all by feeding and strengthening my mind to expand in all areas again, to offer more value to more people, to the animals and to become even more of myself on this journey forward through life connecting in new ways. To always be the best father that I can possibly be, to be the best example of life change and the best example of reading the books, studying, eating the apple, drinking the water, meditating and sleeping well that I can possibly be, and to do all that I possibly can in this lifetime that I'm alive, and to do it all for the right reasons and from love is everything. 

When I write, talk or do anything in my life I do it with so much authority because I'm talking about my life, from experience, and believe the quote from napoleon hill that says "whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Regardless of how many times you may have failed in the past". I live by example, I'm in competition with nobody and believe life has enough available for us all to progress and become more of ourselves, to be, do and give more as we become more of ourselves. I look at the greats of the past like Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, Aristotle, Albert Einstein, Van Goth, Winston Churchill, Buddha, Charles Darwin, Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, Sir Walter Scott, Robert Burns and many more and then look to the greats still alive in today's times like Tony Robbins, Alex Ferguson, Paula Radcliffe, Ronnie O'Sullivan, Billy Connolly, Dalai Lama, Ajhan Brahm and all the people I have in my life.  The world is just full of people who give there best by doing what they love and it's always great to keep on expanding and growing on the journey forward in the expansion of health, unconditional love, fulfilment and education. 

Make the rest of your life, the best of your life #LoveTheJourney 

from William Robertson The unrealistic goal to be knighted by the queen - Entrepreneur Generations

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