1. The strange things about human beings is they only value that which has a price. Why would someone run 100 miles then?
2. Free public library's, museums, tap water, running outside and berries from a tree do not impress people because they are free.
3. Anyone who gives up their spare time to studying when they don't have too is the leadership qualities of self reliance. They will also learn about no such thing as spare time ...
4. Time is emotion the same as money, these things put unplanned people in a state of shock.
5. 168 hours in a week, write down where your time goes. If you sort your time then the money part is even easier to sort, because one is more valuable than the other.
6. People who don't have a lack of ambition will always argue and disagree with anything you say. Old dogs don't learn new tricks & that's why old dogs don't win.
7. Always give a percentage of what you have to someone or something without telling anyone about it.
8. The person who's richest is whose pleasures are the cheapest.
9. It's not how much you make, it's about how much you can keep and then use to make assets so that money works for you rather than the other way around.
10. It's think and grow rich, not work hard and grow rich.
11. An undisciplined life is an insane life.
12. The same thing that wakes a man up at 4am when he doesn't have to be up is the same thing that makes a man go to a pub on a Friday night.
13. Reasons come first and actions come second but it's the intention and focus that get the results of execution in any lifestyle choice.
14. I could write and talk all day and your 5 senses could be heightened, but out 5 human senses don't pick up one thing ~ mathematics & what can be measured gets accomplished.
15. Education makes any man unfit to be a slave, I think Nelson Mandela said that one. You become a walking quote book when you put your past life experiences into education.
16. Lots of knowledge can leave you with less friends than you had at school, I'm glad I partied as much as possible and left the memories and I'm also glad I've found lifetime lifestyle & education that takes me from 30 to my grave and beyond in those I leave behind.
17. I don't talk about religion as it's something that also ties in emotion to people, I do meditate and believe that a person with the correct mind, action and intention gets all the correct things. I also believe the suffering and death from karma is beautiful and makes every moment precious.
18. All the meditation, zen and positive thinking in the world doesn't pay bills. Mathematicians do, you can be the best person, sergeant, priest, poet or policeman but when it comes to the law of mathematics then education on numbers is required.
19. People can stare the truth in the face and reject it others say. But I disbelieve this theory and it's why slaughterhouses don't have glass houses while they prepare the food.
20. Once people see a lifestyle with results they pay attention, even crazy people can be right sometimes if they try everything at least once.
21. I would never ask anyone to follow me because I always go the extra mile and that's the place that is never crowded. I just love to read, write, philosophise and enjoy life in freedom after everything.
22. The older I get the the more I realise I have to learn, that I know nothing so I always grow bolder in failure rather than older in someone else's idea of success.
23. Speaking is easy when you know what your talking about, writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia ~ you only have to read a book or see who writes them to see that.
24. Imagination takes you further than education.
25. Trying to keep up with me would tire you, if you can't do something 100 percent don't do it.
26. A persons only limitation, within reason, lies in their development and use of their imagination.
27. You've just gone beyond a marathon in numbers, why don't you stop reading?
28. This would prove your not an old dog, you are not the status quo, your not looking online for just entertainment and there's a high chance you are self reliant.
29. Most people give up easily and use getting offended or disagreement to end what they are doing.
30. Most humans switch thoughts to something else, before every 3 minutes.
31. Understanding the mechanics of mind will transform your life.
32. This is just words I'm writing not a science theory or anything for you to share with anyone else.
33. Take 30 minutes today and see how many situations require some use and understanding of numbers. Example with time, confirming dates, boiling the kettle, putting the oven to a certain temperature or watching TV are all measured.
34. The four basic things you can do to any 2 numbers add, subtract, multiply and divide.
35. Mathematics is something I listened to my friend explain and it got me hooked, if I new mathematics younger I would have messed up and had all the great stories to tell. But I'm grateful to understand the start of my education in it now.
36. Will power will always beat brain power.
37. Good artists copy but great artists steel is a quote by Picasso.
38. Tony Robbins says success leaves clues.
39. Your average guy in the city says something about the weather or how much sometime fucked him over at the weekend, all advice is relevant. Take notes
40. Reading books will help you unlock parts of yourself that might not have been ignited before.
41. Everyone has power within them, we are all more powerful than we think & can do a lot more than we can imagine.
42. I'm using numbers as I write as I'm learning as I teach.
43. During my counselling course a long time ago now, I learned the smart approach.
44. Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic & time bound and I never listened. But I now understand it has its place, everything does.
45. Drinking water and eating fruit & vegetables will boost your energy as 20% of your calories are taken by the brain. Feed it well and it will return an investment.
46. Reading and writing does for the mind what exercise does for the body.
47. Not eating animals has an amazing effect on your mental health. People who are suffer really grow stronger in helping the life's of others.
48. There is 7 days in the week, 12 in the month and everyday has a new sunrise, knowing that makes it easy to smile.
49. It's impossible to be alone on the planet, deep sea divers don't dive just to see the water the same as people don't separate from a crowd to be alone.
50. A new adventure scares most people, even the words vegan, rich or a simple phrase like I'm going to run 100 miles can be met with unsolicited advice on what you can or cannot do.
51. Count the people you have close to you, add what they do and then reflect it on to what you do. That tells you who you are just now.
52. Count who you connect to online, what books you are reading and that will tell you where you are going.
53. The both won't add up to the same but life isn't about adding up numbers it's about following your own heart and intuition.
54. Following your own path will be difficult, connect to others who have done it. Really peep back the layers and deeply understand it's not easy.
55. You will be mocked, ridiculed, even hated to change yourself and when you come back things won't ever be the same.
56. Don't feel the need to entertain those who doubt you, always entertain the lovers who love you.
57. Everyone who is successful wants you to be to, but not when you are competing. Only when they have finished, so always look at others coming back from the path. Not those still on it.
58. Education comes from within you and out to the world, knowledge is what you can learn & wisdom is nothing more than heeled pain.
59. We are attracted to broken and beautiful things, a self evolving problem solver from that situation will always puzzle people who don't study deeper.
60. People looking to learn deserve to be taught.
61. If you are still reading why haven't you stopped? Why are you not going back into normal? Crazy isn't crowded.
62. Always have a practicable and workable plan of action.
63. If you have sound character, you will find that you generally do not worry about your reputation
64. Victory is always out of your daily routine, so use routine to stay grounded and the rest of the time to thrive.
65. Time is precious and doubt is expensive. Cynics criticise and winners analyse.
66. The world is full of smart, talented, educated and gifted people. Learn from them.
67. We mature with the damage, not with the years. No matter who tells you anything else
68. When you've been through everything and break through, then life has nothing left to throw & you have psychological immunity.
69. High performance and mental toughness is a choice.
70. People always make it look easy so you can take the easy steps, the reason they make it look easy is because of the pain the over and on the way doesn't hurt anymore.
71. Humans always want to give back when it's done, it's always about growth and contribution.
72. Being mindful is letting you be you.
73. Being happy is all about your rules on happiness, if you have rules and you follow them then you will always be happy.
74. You don't get a bad day if you are breathing.
75. I'm showing you emotions you will feel through running 100 miles to give you an insight of self reliance, empowerment and what putting up with things others wouldn't will get you.
76. Why are you still reading? With only 24 left to go. It's easy to stop but why don't you?
77. Nobody would put this on a sales advert as sales are quickly made, empowerment is an enduring process.
78. It only takes one minute to change your life, think of a decision that changed your life.
79. Your train of thought will be all over the place, you just want to read and get this done now.
80. A decision to finish, to observe and not to judge will empty your mind.
81. Be the sort of person that creates your own luck
82. You've got all the power inside of you to write down your goals, read the books, study, learn as be whatever you want.
83. You wouldn't read this otherwise, there's plenty of crowded places you could be instead.
84. Be flexible, keep an open mind and learn.
85. Nobody can judge effort, because effort is between you and you
86. When you truly reach success, you feel a need to give back.
87. How could you give back to others? The community? To animals?
88. Being your best self makes you want to do that, you start to do what you want and want everyone else do what they want.
89. You can do what you want.
90. Why do anything else?
91. True learning takes energy, passion, and a burning desire
92. Judge your success in order of what you had to give up to get it.
93. Know the rules so you can break them legally.
94. Be open to change, but solid in values.
95. Share all your knowledge, experience and wisdom while you learn mathematics.
96. A peaceful and loving atmosphere at home is a solid building block for any life.
97. You beat illness by how you live, the manner of how you live and also how you love the life around you. Transform illness to wellness
98. You beat illness by how you live, the manner of how you live and also how you love the life around you. Transform illness to wellness
99. Public speaking is done by saying what you are going to talk about, taking about it then going over what you've talked about. What separates speakers is what separates people in any walk of life ~ life experience, passion, education and values.
100. Why would someone run 100 miles then? To ask more questions of themselves of course. What did you ask of yourself during this enduring event or testing things you've never read before? X
from William Robertson http://ift.tt/1MjAEmf Why would anyone run 100 miles? - Entrepreneur Generations
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