Writer write - Entrepreneur Generations

I've been to around 17 or 18 countries on my travels growing up, experienced a lot of party's, loud times and was always the laughing fat guy with patter.  I'm more serious and direct now, but the character never fades it just gets more educated into deeper purpose through experience, that's all.  Over the past few years I've had great highs of life change, results and enjoying peak health but it's the people I've met that have helped shape, direct and join the forever forward journey. Over the time I've spoke to so many older people around Scotland, over the age of 60 and the ones with a smile on their face taught me so much about life. 

I would ask questions like what makes you keep smiling after all these years? what would you change if you could? what have you learned? what kept your marriage strong? and what ruined the other ones? also I would listen to older ones who had the opposite reaction to old age too, who was to blame? what would they change? what do they eat? I've done more studying than I have talking over the past few years believe it or not. That's why opening up to study money was something I could easily make public, I know I'm already rich in lifestyle as I walk in my community and connect to whoever walks by. Go to the shops and connect, go into town and talk although I'm not known so much as there's thousands of people in the city (imagine that) then online there's over 3 billion connected so on the grand scale none of us are that well known as there's even people that don't know who Gandhi was.  The reality is we can share everything about ourselves and most of the world will never know, so I say share it all anyway for those who can take value from you. Example being a few weeks ago I was in the hairdressers and a guy had great ideas so I said why don't you share them online, people with great ideas always make more. He said someone might steel them, fair point I said but inside I know that not many people read past your 10th word of s status of its not a drama, because most people are online for entertainment not empowerment. So if you share empowering ideas then other people connect to you that way, life gives you whatever you ask of it. 

I'm aware of some people who look onto my page because of mails and connections, even my old friends from the old days parents come onto see what I've been up to, so now sharing that I'm studying the money part to give an idea that's it's an ok thing to do even coming from our background of ginger bottles to buy sweeties (in Glasgow bottles of pop/ginger/soda that you buy, return the bottle to the shops for a financial return and it was called a glass cheque). Yes I'm healthy, strong, fit and in peak emotional and mental health now but that's got nothing to do with sorting out a retirement, pensions or even my daughters financial education in the future, or the grandkids in 40 years time so you can see that part of what I'm doing just now to learn and take some notes. My stuff online is public, I learn more everyday and just give as much as I can too, blogging is fun. People don't invite me lots of places because of what I know or what I'm studying, they want to meet me and have me in places where I can add value because of the story, what I've lived through and how I can help others and we can all do that. Why I do all of this is simple, because it's who I am and it's something I won't ever stop doing.  If people want to look at me online then they can learn, even if they don't like me they can still learn.  I'm giving it away because I'm full and there will always be more to come, giving 100 until the day I die. 

From the older generations they taught me what's important though, they taught me a lot and what I want to be when I'm 90 and 100 too & what I could give back even at that age, so I do all the things just now for that & that will take me there in the future one day from the food choice, education, relaxation, time with nature and health I share now.  Yes a negative thinker might say you might die younger, but so can anybody but my daughter will know why I lived, how I lived and what I lived for, planned for and this way of life others look at me benefited from me being here so will my daughter, my nephew and maybe even others behind them one day might look .... Just like grandkids and who knows, the future is uncertain and that always makes me smile.  I'm always looking ahead by making the present moment made with loving intention, to grow, contribute and learn more.  All kids study what their parents did with life eventually & I just aim to be the best role model that I possibly can for my daughter, family, friends, strangers and animals. I don't run the ultra-marathons or any race for the competition, I just enjoy running around in great health with my mates wherever we go and love reading. It's great where it's taken us all so far isn't it? 

The girl in the bookshop asked me today if I'm studying to be a millionaire with all these books and I replied with my goal is to be knighted by the queen, we've spoken for a while now but people don't know what to say with my massive goals and forward plans other than just laugh with me and then reply why not, you've came this far to only go this far.  The reason I make things so big is not to get the goal itself, but to never settle in life to always grow into the sort of person that looks at those sort of things as achievable and you can't buy your way to the goals I set, running 100 miles or being knighted with my past takes a lot of effort and that's what I love. I'll probably have to read 1000 books, open 1000 charities and save 1000 animals and give 1000 speeches to even be known to the guys who just guard the palace of the queen. I choose to make unrealistic goals and goals that I won't even achieve in my life time but I've got people and animals to leave behind life too. That's why I'm always growing as a person and to leave this world better than I entered it ...  Let me give you an insight into all of this part as you've stuck by me this long relaxing it's time to laugh, and sure we will forever grow forward now my friend, your investing time and im adding value. 

In my culture roughly speaking when you study the masses, crowds, lifestyle and system you can come up with plans for not just your life but timing in which to do things. Example being up to the age of 20 it's about friends and some education on the way, 20-35 maybe about fooling around, marriage and raising a family. 35-55 it's more running your business and making how much you can financially then life after that is for spiritual contemplation or connection and retirement from the commercial world. That's what I've looked into through listening to people, but let me go deeper I've got deep into mediation early and laugh at this joke ... When your in your 20s you go around proving to the world what you are, live up to your friends and take risks. When your in your 40s you start realising your strong enough to not give a shit. Then in your 60s you will realise nobody cares anyway. Not sure how humour comes across in writing, it's the one thing I've noticed about online. Nobody shares a long story joke or even words of empowerment simply because nobody reads. 

So if you read you will probably have a higher chance of working things out a lot faster than those who don't read, I would say this status isn't out to offend which it's not but people who read are also not easily offended. In fact people who read my statuses have actually became my close friends through this journey. Running, writing, reading, eating fruit & vegetables and meditating just had a common sense way of bringing the correct people into your life in person as well as online. Thank you and I'm 29 just now but if we all have the Internet at 60, 80 and 100 I'm sure we will have met somewhere by then if we haven't already. I'm always focused on building and creating in life, just like sandcastles at the beach. The end result is never the fun part, the fun part is in the building. So don't rush the process, trust the process and make the rest of your life the best of your life. 

#WritersWrite & #ReadersRead 🌍󾔧

from William Robertson http://ift.tt/1Pa4m3n Writer write - Entrepreneur Generations

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