To everyone who doesn't live in Baltimore:
Turn off CNN. It's all fear-mongering and waiting for something to happen. The city is full of people who are peacefully protesting, chanting things like, "This is what democracy looks like," who while upset, do understand the process, who know it is not over yet.
We are not on edge. We are resolute and we are getting ready for work tomorrow.
I still have hope for justice in this case, though these trials are mostly transactional and symbolic; the longterm transitional policy changes have already started with policy changes in the BCPD (buckling now happens, for example) and will continue with the exposure of its problems in this trial. We do need to have some convictions to solidify and add to these policy changes though. In particular, Caesar Goodson's trial is crucial.
from Epiphany in Baltimore Dear Everyone Not in Baltimore -
Entrepreneur Generations
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