Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project >>> Pegasus plans in full >>> "They are planning over 120 dwellings on the site, whereas the emerging Local Plan proposes only 50."
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project >>> Pegasus plans in full >>> "very imposing and brutal"
This is the latest observation received from a commentator about the situation the District Council's planning cttee (or Development Management Committee) might well find itself in:
At £400K per apartment, Pegasus is in line for a £40m bonanza.
And if this planning application fails they can always put in another and again.
In other words they have the DMC over a barrel.
However, things have not been plain-sailing for Pegasus:
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: Pegasus as preferred bidder... However, its proposals for ‘one of the finest coastal properties’ in South Devon have been rejected by Dawlish Town Council 'on the grounds of overdevelopment'.
Another observer has pointed out other developments proposed by Pegasus:
> The Wilmslow project on former Council land is for large-density blocks - but has been refused on grounds of over development:
Chapelwood, Wilmslow | PegasusLife Portfolio
Local Plan: Proposed sites for future development revealed - wilmslow.co.uk
Decision on plan for retirement apartments put back - wilmslow.co.uk
> The proposals for development in Harpenden have been rejected due to the height of the blocks, the closeness to neighbours and inadequate parking:
New properties for sale in Harpenden by PegasusLife
Harpenden Society - Spring 2015
Bid to redevelop derelict Harpenden building looks set to be rejected - News - Herts Advertiser
Developer likely to appeal over rejection of Harpenden retirement home plan - News - Herts Advertiser
> A planning application in Bristol is pending: the Bristol Civic Society and Council Officers recommended refusal due to excessive bulk and massing; and that the project does not relate to the surrounding area of high local significance:
Bristol, Central - PegasusLife
Bristol Civic Society - Nuffield Hospital
Bristol Urban Design Forum | Nuffield Hospital (St Marys), Upper Byron Place, Clifton
Pegasuslife: some interesting planning application comments | East Devon Watch
> The Sutton Coldfield plans were originally passed for tower blocks with 240 apartments; however, the plans have fallen through, ostensibly because the developer is occupied with other sites - and so the site is now up for sale:
Tower block plans unveiled for new retirement homes in Brassington Avenue, Sutton Coldfield | Sutton Coldfield Observer
Sutton Coldfield care village plans approved - Birmingham Post
Collapse of Brassington Avenue retirement home plans in Sutton Coldfield confirmed | Sutton Coldfield Observer
Plans for Pegasus retirement tower blocks fall through in Sutton Coldfield because PegasusLife is “too busy” | East Devon Watch
> And at South East Green contractors recently smashed a hallowed statue of the Virgin Mary which they said would be saved;
Hampstead Green, London | PegasusLife Portfolio
Virgin Mary statue seen lying face down in rubble despite assurances it would be saved | Camden New Journal
Pegasuslife smashes statue it promised to save in Hampstead | East Devon Watch
This is the press release from Save Our Sidmouth:
Response to first Pegasus Life Exhibition (Nov 2015) on plans for Knowle
December 1, 2015
Text of statement sent to Sidmouth Herald by SOS Chair Richard Thurlow, who is also Chair of Conservation and Planning for the Sid Vale Association (SVA):
‘Pegasus Life are conducting a charm offensive to win over the hearts of the residents of Sidmouth. In doing so they are clearly streets ahead of EDDC’s dictatorial approach. The SVA’s disagreement is with the latter and their removal of 400 good jobs from a defined employment area, and not as yet with EDDC’s chosen candidate for development.
The Exhibition focused almost wholly on the Knowle parkland, and the external surroundings of their large development. Whilst we appreciate their apparent wish to involve the Sidmouth public in this, the parkland, will in any event remain in public hands. It is to be hoped though that Pegasus, should their application succeed, will contribute to its improvement and maintenance.
There was minimal space in the exhibition which gave an indication of size, styles and massing of the buildings they plan. Whilst appreciating their wish to minimise their plans in advance of their planning application we feel it is a pity that they have not been more open with these aspects, which, bearing in mind that they must submit an application by March next year, must be well advanced.
Little could be seen from the display that illustrated their thinking on the buildings, but what could be seen showed that the two separately defined areas on the development (the Plateau and the Dell) did not appear to have any similarity of design or context. It also seems that they are intending to adopt a brutalist approach to appearance and scale of the former, with flattish roofs from the separate “Blocks” highlighted against the horizon from the approach from the south. But hopefully this might change and Pegasus did seem to appreciate that the building height must be kept as low as possible to conceal the development from Station Road. Pegasus also understood our concern about the treatment of the upper terraces outside the footprint of the buildings and we hope that they will preserve the open appearance and public access to these areas and the footpaths through the site.
A surprising admission was that they are planning over 120 dwellings on the site, whereas the emerging Local Plan , (yet to be reported on by the Inspector), proposes only 60.
We await Pegasus Life’s further exhibition in January.’
Reminder of SVA objections to EDDC’s plans for Knowle can be viewed at http://ift.tt/1O20N9u
Response to first Pegasus Life Exhibition (Nov 2015) on plans for Knowle | Save Our Sidmouth
See also:
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: deciding to sell >>> 'overage' and the dangers of selling Knowle short
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: deciding to sell >>> Full Council: Wednesday 25th March >>> and more reports
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: contracts exchanged for sale with preferred bidder Pegasus
from Futures Forum http://ift.tt/1Ovfcjf Knowle relocation project >>> Pegasus plans in full >>> "At £400K per apartment, Pegasus is in line for a £40m bonanza." - Entrepreneur Generations
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