Neighbourhood Plan for Sidmouth: Town Council votes to start process - Entrepreneur Generations

The Town Council has voted to formally initiate a neighbourhood plan:
Futures Forum: Neighbourhood Plan for Sidmouth: report presented to Town Council

Here are the minutes from that meeting:

Sidmouth Neighbourhood Plan Feasibility Task and Finish Forum 

Members were asked to consider the report of the Task and Finish Forum which had been investigating the feasibility of carrying out and the reasons for and against, a Neighbourhood Plan for Sidmouth. 

RESOLVED: that: 
1) Sidmouth Town Council commits to undertake the Neighbourhood Planning process for Sidmouth with immediate effect. 
2) the former Members of the Neighbourhood Plan Feasibility Task and Finish Forum and the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Council be given responsibility and authority to commence the NP process and implement:  
 The recruitment of a Steering Group Chairman 
 Working with the Steering Group Chairman to set up the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group 
 The processing of the application for designation of the Neighbourhood Plan area 
 The processing of the funding application requests to EDDC and Locality for initial funding.

Minutes of the meeting of Sidmouth Town Council- Monday 7 December 2015 

And this is the report from the front page of today's Herald:


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from Futures Forum Neighbourhood Plan for Sidmouth: Town Council votes to start process - Entrepreneur Generations

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