Please consider giving to The Rural Blog's publisher - Entrepreneur Generations

Dear readers of The Rural Blog:

We're in our usual low gear for the holidays, but are still trying to take care of business, and asking for your help. As you write those year-end checks to worthy causes, we hope you will consider a donation to our publisher, the Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues, based at the University of Kentucky. The institute is a national program that helps rural journalists define the public agenda in their communities through strong reporting and commentary, especially on broader issues that have local impact but few good local sources.

The university pays the institute's director and some of his expenses. The institute has an endowment that covers other expenses, including a half-time staff assistant. We need full-time help, and that takes money. Donors can give to the endowment, which returns 3.5 percent per year and guarantees the sustainability of the institute, or to the institute's operating account, which is used for current activities. To learn more about the institute, go to

To donate to the institute, click here. To give to the endowment, go to the gift-designation box and select "Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues Endowed Fund for Excellence." To give to our operating account, choose "Other" and type in "IRJCI operating." Either type of donation is tax-deductible and will be much appreciated!


Al Cross
Director, IRJCI, and associate extension professor, School of Journalism and Media, University of Kentucky

from The Rural Blog Please consider giving to The Rural Blog's publisher - Entrepreneur Generations

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