All Bad Things Come to An End - Entrepreneur Generations

Global Economic Analysis - Entrepreneur Generations - Eventually, all bad things come to an end.

Here's a case in point: Christine Lagarde's 5-year term as head of the IMF is nearly over.

And with that, the Wall Street Journal reports the IMF Launches Selection Process for Managing Director.

Upon reading the article, I was both shocked and outraged to discovered that neither I nor ZeroHedge are in serious consideration for the job.

Then again, the first thing I would do as head of that parasitic organization would be to fire everyone, then me, effectively killing the parasite.

Further investigation shows Lagarde is a shoo-in for a second term. So, although bad things will eventually come to an end, we will just have to wait longer.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

from Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis All Bad Things Come to An End - Entrepreneur Generations

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