Catching Up: Rick's latest National Post stories - Entrepreneur Generations

I hope you're following my continuing chronicles of entrepreneurial adventure every Monday in the Financial Post's highly regarded "Entrepreneur" section. 

If you've missed a few here’s a recap – and a reminder that the Post often publishes my articles online one, two or three days before they come out in the newspaper.

Uzair Ahmed, left, and Asem Alsaadi, are the founders of InstaMek. In nine months the company has raised $500,000 in capital for the growing mobile mechanics business.Jan. 25: “Why trust is key when you are disrupting a sector like auto mechanics”
The story of Edmonton startup InstaMek.

The endorsement of networking giant Cisco and Japanese manufacturing titan Mazak took Memex Inc. CEO David McPhail and his team eight years to forge.

Jan. 18: How tiny Memex got two industry giants to endorse its manufacturing connectivity platform
"McPhail says Memex’s systems can deliver a 300 per cent ROI in the first year alone — but product excellence isn’t always enough."

Jan 7: Why this serial entrepreneur doesn’t believe you have to leave Canada to succeed
“Mark Organ is a Toronto-based entrepreneur with a penchant for creating global innovation, locally…”

Dec. 30: “Before you throw out those newsletters, take a second look”
Salvaging the collective wisdom in 2015’s unread emails

Dec. 24: With all the competition out there, accidental entrepreneurs face a big challenge for 2016: Survival
“No matter what you studied, or how many promotions you earned in your march up the corporate ladder, running your own business presents a tsunami of challenges.”

from Canadian Entrepreneur Catching Up: Rick's latest National Post stories - Entrepreneur Generations

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