Giant Panda Stars at National Zoo
Please consider Giant Panda Stars at National Zoo in Reaction to Blizzard.
"A frolicsome giant panda called Tian Tian appeared to be capturing the bulk of the online attention as videos and other images emerged of animals at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C., as they encountered Saturday’s accumulating snowfall."
Legal Sledding on Capital Hill
DC Residents Flock to Capitol Hill for First Legal Sledding in 140 Years.
Just in time for the blizzard that dumped more than 2 feet of snow across the mid-Atlantic, kids and adults took their sleds to Capitol Hill, legally, for the first time in more than 140 years.Best Thing From Congress in Years
In a provision from December's spending bill, Capitol Police will halt their enforcement of the sledding ban as long as conditions are safe.
Hundreds of people took advantage of the newly changed policy during the record-breaking blizzard on Saturday. The Hill was quickly populated with sleds, inflatable mattresses, inner tubes and other creative forms of transport.
"It took an act of Congress, but children are finally welcome to sled down on #CapitolHill," Speaker of the House Paul Ryan tweeted on Saturday.
Is sledding on Capitol hill the best thing Congress has done in years? I struggle to come up with anything better.
Mike "Mish" Shedlock
from Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis East Coast Blizzard - Some Love It: Legal Sledding on Capitol Hill First Time in 140 Years; Panda "Tian Tian" Loves Snow - Entrepreneur Generations
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