Knowle relocation project >>> Pegasus meets the public: Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd January - Entrepreneur Generations

Late last year, the developers at Knowle put forward their plans to the public:
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project >>> Pegasus meets the public: Tuesday 24th and Wednesday 25th November >>> >>> "This is a developer’s consultation"

They were greeted with a lot of scepticism:
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project >>> Pegasus plans in full >>> when a retirement apartment is a 'residential institution' and not a 'home'

The property is on their website:
Sidmouth, Devon | PegasusLife Portfolio

The plans are available here:
PegasusLife: plans for the Knowle | A new development in Sidmouth
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project >>> Pegasus plans in full >>> "very imposing and brutal"

PegasusLife will be presenting the latest version of its plans to the public - again at the Woodlands Hotel - this Thursday 21st 2.30 - 7.30pm and Friday 22nd January 12 noon - 7.30pm:
The Woodlands Hotel in Sidmouth, Devon | A family hotel in Devon

from Futures Forum Knowle relocation project >>> Pegasus meets the public: Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd January - Entrepreneur Generations

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