Climate change: "Going Carbon Neutral" >>> >>> >>> >>> from Aston Hayes to Exmouth - Entrepreneur Generations

Last week, Prof Brian Golding of the Met Office gave an overview following the UN conference on climate change:
Futures Forum: Climate change: "COP21: a new world order?" >>> >>> Monday February 8th at 7.30pm >>> the Norman Lockyer Observatory

A community in Cheshire has already been working on practical projects to 'do something':

Published on Jan 27, 2016

Located in rural Cheshire, Ashton Hayes is a well knit community of about 1000 people that is aiming to become England's first carbon neutral community. 

We started our journey in January 2006 and since then we have already cut our carbon dioxide emissions by 23% - by working together, sharing ideas and through behavioural change. 
We are about to start work on our community owned renewable energy power station.

Ashton Hayes village celebrates 10 years of Going Carbon Neutral - YouTube

At the end of the month, Transition Town Exmouth will be meeting to look at how the town can take similar practical measures following the UN conference - and the example from Ashton Hayes:


Thursday 25 February (two weeks time) @ 19.30, Telfer Centre, Exmouth Community College, Gipsy Lane, Exmouth EX8 3AF. Free entry.

How can Exmouth help advance the UN +1.5 deg goal? You invited to view a short film about how a Cheshire Village is approaching the challenge. Afterwards we will break up into small groups to discuss what might work for Exmouth and ourselves. Possible themes for groups.

  • Reducing energy use in the home
  • Local food and wastage
  • Reducing heavily packaged purchases
  • Reducing road and air miles

Our ideas will be fed into the Exmouth Neighbourhood Plan process by Cllr. Rob Masding who is on the NP Steering Group.

Transition Town Exmouth | Dealing With Climate Change and Peak Oil

from Futures Forum Climate change: "Going Carbon Neutral" >>> >>> >>> >>> from Aston Hayes to Exmouth - Entrepreneur Generations

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