Daylight time begins Sunday; what does it do for (or to) your locality? Interactive maps show - Entrepreneur Generations

Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday at 2 a.m. local time, which will become 3 a.m. The device remains controversial for some, while others think the U.S. should move its clocks an hour later year-round. The debate has never been clearly focused, perhaps because daylight time has a different effect depending on your longitude, latitude and distance from time-zone lines.

"Whether these changes actually end up making daylight hours coincide more closely with the hours that you're awake varies considerably depending on where you are in the United States," Ana Swanson writes for The Washington Post. She points to a series of maps by Andy Woodruff of Axis Maps, including this interactive one that gives data for any location in the U.S. (For the interactive version, click the link in the previous sentence.)

 Without daylight time, darkly shaded areas on the map would see the sun set
after 6 p.m. on fewer than half the days of the year. 
"Woodruff's maps put all these variables together, showing how many days of the year have reasonable sunrise and sunset times across the United States. In these maps, he defines 'reasonable' sunrise and sunset times as 7 a.m. and 6 p.m.," but you can adjust those on the interactive version of the map. He also has maps showing what would happen if daylight time were abolished or were observed year-round.

from The Rural Blog Daylight time begins Sunday; what does it do for (or to) your locality? Interactive maps show - Entrepreneur Generations

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