Go Vegan! were represented at the Climate Show earlier this month:
Futures Forum: Climate Week in Sidmouth: The Climate Variety Show >>> Friday 11th March
The ideas of veganism and vegetarianism are very much out there and are becoming much more mainstream:
Futures Forum: Climate change: it's cool to be vegetarian
Although not everyone agrees:
Futures Forum: Climate change: the role of livestock and agriculture.......... or: "Can steak save the planet?"
However, there are plenty of opportunities locally to make up your mind.
This Saturday, Go Vegan! launches its 2016 campaign:
Go Vegan Launch
And on Saturday 23rd April, there is the Vegan Fair and Bake Sale in Exeter:
Exeter Vegan Fair & Bake Sale, Saturday 23 April 2016
And this is the homepage of the Exeter Friends for Animals group - with details of more events and goings-on:

For photos of previous events, view the
Please contact us if you would like to help at any of our events.
2nd April 2016 (Sat) |
2016 "Go Vegan" campaign launch (in cooperation with Fairfoods).
St Stephen's Church in Exeter High Street. |
23rd April 2016 (Sat) |
Vegan Fair & Bake Sale.
Palace Gate Centre, Exeter. |
7th May 2016 (Sat) |
Stall at Exeter Pride. |
11th - 12th June 2016 (Sat-Sun) |
Stall at Exeter Respect Festival. |

EFFA was founded in 2001 to campaign against animal cruelty and promote a cruelty-free lifestyle. It is dedicated to peaceful protest and consists of a wide diversity of people and talents.
EFFA initiates campaigns locally and acts in support of national organisations, holding street collections and information stalls on issues such as factory farming, vivisection, live exports, fur farming, etc.
We also offer help and guidance to people seeking to go veggie or vegan, and organise a varied calendar of social events in Exeter and beyond.
We welcome new members. Please click on
'Join Us' above if you would like to get involved or send us an email at

EFFA - Exeter Friends For Animals
from Futures Forum http://ift.tt/21SaMFw Go Vegan! launch 2nd April >>> Vegan Fair and Bake Sale 23rd April >>> vegan events in Exeter -
Entrepreneur Generations
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