Knowle relocation project: and "a tokenistic nod towards conservation" - Entrepreneur Generations

This blog has reported on the response by the campaign group SAVE Britain's Heritage to the developer's plans for Knowle:
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: SAVE Britain's Heritage >>> "Loss of the Knowle and development of the park would represent a devastating blow to the history and character of Sidmouth."

It also carried a letter in the Herald questioning the veracity of the developer's plans:
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: Pegasus plans: 'true or false?'

This is very all much in the context of the Local Government Association and English Heritage urging authorities to do better at 'making the most of your heritage assets':
Futures Forum: Making the most of your heritage assets

The Save Our Sidmouth blog has just reissued much of the SAVE intervention - plus responses from the developer:

Knowle ” deserves more than a tokenistic nod towards conservation”, says SAVE Britain’s Heritage

March 11, 2016 by sidmouthsid

The influential national conservation group, SAVE Britain’s Heritage, is dismissive of Pegasus Life’s response to their letter arguing against the demolition of the 19th century Knowle landmark building. As reported in the Sidmouth Herald (19 February 2016), Clementine Cecil of SAVE says, “Demolition is not a satisfactory way of dealing with a historic building, even an unlisted one. It is clearly a fine building that remains in use and popular. It deserves more than a tokenistic nod towards conservation in the form of keeping some tiles, fireplaces and fragments of wallpaper. We will be objecting formally in the strongest possible terms to the planning application” .

Pegasus Life has reacted to concerns put by Michael Temple, a member of Save Our Sidmouth, that there had been some “false or ambiguous claims” in the developer’s revised plans for the site (reported on p. 12 of the Herald, 19 Feb 2016). The same edition of the newspaper quotes this statement from a Pegasus Life spokesperson: “Our consultation is ongoing and our plans are still changing to take into account comments received at our January consultation events, in advance of our planning application submission in March. As part of the application, detailed images will be submitted including verified views and site sections”.

Knowle ” deserves more than a tokenistic nod towards conservation”, says SAVE Britain’s Heritage | Save Our Sidmouth

from Futures Forum Knowle relocation project: and "a tokenistic nod towards conservation" - Entrepreneur Generations

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