Events in Sidmouth
Streetlife | Patients' Participation Group
And the Herald is carrying the details:
Fun health festival will be a first for the Sid Valley
16:24 20 April 2016
Ledley and Lucy
A true community celebration of health and wellbeing is set to draw in visitors of all ages and from all walks of life next weekend.
The Be Well, Be Healthy, Be Fit Festival, to be held at Stowford Community Centre on Saturday, April 23, from 10.30am to 2.30pm, is the first event of its kind in the Sid Valley.
Organisers say they have been overwhelmed by the support shown.
An idea that began with no financial backing at all has developed into an exciting day of activities with something for everyone on offer – from children’s cooking classes, to in-depth health advice, taster sessions and plenty of snacks and free goods.
The chairman of the Sid Valley Patient Participation Group, Di Fuller, has taken a lead role in organising the festival, with the help of numerous partners, including East Devon District Council (EDDC). She said: “We have got a whole range of exercise tasters and people can sign up on the day. There will be a lot of opportunities for people to trial things in a safe way and have a go for free. This is a real community partnership.
“One of the things for me that has been overwhelming is how well the community has responded to support it. We are not a fundraising organisation, it is being funded by, operated by, and staffed by the Sid Valley community and I’m not sure we have ever had anything like that in Sidmouth before. This is such a diverse thing and everyone has just got behind it - that is quite amazing.
“For some people it may be about getting well and then staying well, others may want to improve their fitness or lose weight. Whatever your interest is, we think there will be fun activities for all age groups if you want to take part or just come along, pick up information and talk to people who can give you advice or point you in the right direction.”
The event aims to promote healthy lifestyles and raise awareness about different issues and the support that is available locally. It will culminate with a walk and talk from the centre to Sidmouth seafront, organised by LED Leisure Management Ltd, which will start at 2.30pm.
There is no charge for the festival and a range of light refreshments will be provided for visitors on the day, along with balloons and plenty of fun and free information packs.
A shuttle bus will be provided by Sidmouth Voluntary Services for anyone who needs transport from the town centre. The first bus will leave Twyford House at 10.30am and run as required, with the last return journey at 2pm. Alternative transport is available for EDDC tenants leaving from Trumps Court, Arcot and Lymebourne.
Support from a wide range of groups
There will be information and advice available from:
● Age Concern and Age UK voluntary services;
● Sidmouth Memory Café, Dementia UK and the Admiral Nurse Campaign;
● Sidmouth Help Link;
● Advice on NHS clinics available locally;
● Sports clubs;
● Lions club ‘Message in a Bottle’ and Medic Alert;
● Home Safeguard;
● Leisure East Devon and EDC’s ‘Walk & Talk’ group;
● Walking and cycling support from EDDC;
● Sidmouth Voluntary Services;
● East Devon Volunteer Support Agency, providing support for the elderly, young people and those with mental health problems;
● Sidmouth Parkinson’s support group;
● Integrated children’s services,
● EDDC’s tenant participation team;
● The fire service;
● Slimming World;
● Sidmouth Carers.
A full schedule of activities:
Visitors to the inaugural Sid Valley health festival can try their hand at creating hummus, taste samples from Waitrose, or make a smoothie using pedal power.
Alternative therapies available include a massage from Flo & Us and physiotherapy from East Devon Physio.
Festival-goers can get ask for a health MOT with Lloyds Pharmacy, while there will be fun activities for children provided by Messy Church.
Children’s cooking activities:
Health and Local Food for Families (HALFF) is running two sessions creating pizza or muffins. Participants need to sign up at the start of the day.
11am - noon: session one.
1pm - 2pm: session two.
Exercise tasters (sign up on the day):
11am: Fit Steps with Helen Hemming
11.30am: Chair-based exercises with Mark Gerry
12pm: Exercise for Parkinson’s with Barbara Gladman
12.30pm: Physiotherapy exercise with Barbara Gladman
1pm: Pilates with Heather Martin
1.30pm: Chair-based exercises with Mark Gerry
2pm: Yoga with Barbara Vidion.
2.30pm: Walk and Talk from the Stowford Centre organised by LED Leisure.
Fun health festival will be a first for the Sid Valley - News - Midweek Herald.
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