Climate Week in Sidmouth: and the SVA's Keith Owen Fund - Entrepreneur Generations

Last month's week looking at climate change from multiple perspectives was supported by every hue and type of group:
Futures Forum: Climate Week in Sidmouth: letter of thanks

All of which was made possible by a generous cheque from the SVA's Keith Owen Fund:

Cash a great help to successful Sidmouth Climate Week

12:15 23 April 2016
Dave Bramley, Chair of VGS, received a cheque outside Kennaway House. (s)
Dave Bramley, Chair of VGS, received a cheque outside Kennaway House. (s)
Residents of all ages were able to enjoy free entry into an Extreme Weather and Climate Variety Show thanks to money from the Sid Vale Association (SVA).
Peter Moss, representing the SVA’s Keith Owen Fund, handed over a cheque for £560 to cover the cost of hiring Kennaway House for the Sidmouth Climate Week, which took place between March 7 and 12.
Dave Bramley, chairman of the Vision Group for Sidmouth, said the money had been a great help, adding: “Climate change is something that is already affecting all ages, so it was good to be able to present the subject both in local schools, colleges and to the public more widely, through Sidmouth Climate Week.” 
Peter said: “The SVA is always happy to receive requests from local voluntary organisations within the Sid Valley.”

Cash a great help to successful Sidmouth Climate Week - News - Sidmouth Herald

The KOF has funded numerous projects in the area:
Sid Vale Association - Keith Owen Fund


from Futures Forum Climate Week in Sidmouth: and the SVA's Keith Owen Fund - Entrepreneur Generations

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