Futures Forum: Devon New Economy Gathering >>> Saturday 16th April
Here is a reminder:
Devon New Economy Gathering
What kind of economy will promote well-being for all
in a fair and sustainable way?
Saturday April 16th
Exeter Community Centre
10 – 5 pm
A day to link organisers, practitioners, and others working for economic change in towns, villages, houses, workplaces, and to hear about local, regional and national initiatives to help make the Big Shift to a new economy.
Share visions for the wider economy to see how our local work fits in, and ways we can work together locally to make an impact
Find out who (else) is working on a new local economy, one that is more inclusive, democratically accountable, ecological and creates more wellbeing,.
Discover opportunities and collaborators, make plans for action.
Photo tour of projects and activities the region can be proud of
Keynote session: Stewart Wallis, Senior Adviser at New Economics Foundation
‘A new economy and how to make it happen’
Open space, workshops and networking.
- What needs to grow and what doesn’t? Well being & better indicators.
- Relocalising money and finance (local currencies; local finance institutions)
- Tax justice; banking reform; Positive Money; Green New Deal
- If not austerity what? What to do about the national debt
- Engines of inequality and how to interrupt them
- Social enterprises – why are they different and how to start them
- Fostering local enterprises – Local Enterprise Forum
- Food for all – making it affordable and local?
Tickets: Tickets are £20/£10/£5. To register go to Exeter Pound on Eventbrite; or contact gillwestcott@gmail.com or phone 01647 24789 or 01392 348105. Also contact us if you would like to pay in Exeter Pounds or Exes, or to apply for a free ticket
Childrens’ workshop – please ring 01647 24789 for details
Devon New Economy Gathering | Transition Exeter
To book/for more information:
Devon New Economy Gathering Tickets, Sat, 16 Apr 2016 at 10:00 | Eventbrite
The EDW is also reporting on the event:
More signs of discontent – this time very local
“Devon New Economy Gathering” | East Devon Watch
See also:
Exeter Pound
UK regional REconomy events : REconomy
Futures Forum: The Blue New Deal from the New Economics Foundation: 'delivering good jobs and economic sustainability for coastal communities through a healthier marine environment'
Futures Forum: From Sustainable Development to Degrowth: strategic concepts in a time of downturn
Futures Forum: Economic freedom and political equality at the local level >>> or, the triumph of corporatism
from Futures Forum http://ift.tt/1SLD0gs Devon New Economy Gathering > Sat 16th April in Exeter - Entrepreneur Generations
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