Earth Day >>> Friday 22nd April - Entrepreneur Generations

The 22nd of April is the same every year:
Futures Forum: Earth Day > Tuesday 22nd April

Today is Earth Day:
Earth Day - April 22 | Earth Day Network

The Telegraph has a handy guide:

Five things you didn't know about Earth Day

  1. One billion people across the world will get involved with Earth Day this year
  2. The celebration has its own flag that features a picture of the Earth taken from the Apollo 17 spacecraft on its way to the Moon
  3. 20 million people participated in the first ever Earth Day in 1970
  4. No one knows where the name or date for the day came from as the organisers can't remember
  5. In 2008 Disney launched Disneynature, a channel dedicated to environmental documentaries, in celebration of Earth Day

How to get involved

There are Earth Day events taking place across the globe. Google hascreated a special map with a selection of planned events in different countries. 
In the UK you can take part in a range of activities from tree planting in Bristol, to feeding bees in Derby, and cleaning Boggle beach in Whitby.  
You can get involved without attending an official event by trying some of the following activities:
  1. Walk to work, cycle or take public transport
  2. Use a reusable coffee cup
  3. Make sure you recycle
  4. Go paperless
  5. Take a tote bag to the shop
  6. Plant a tree
  7. Go meat or dairy free at least once a week
  8. Carry a reusable water bottle
  9. Add the Earth Mode Google Chrome extension to your browser to monitor your energy use
  10. Buy local produce

Earth Day 2016: five inspiring facts and how to do your bit

from Futures Forum Earth Day >>> Friday 22nd April - Entrepreneur Generations

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