Plans for Port Royal and the Eastern Town >>> >>> >>> >>> "a wrap-around car park, weaved between starter flats" - Entrepreneur Generations

The architects' competition for re-imagining Port Royal is underway:
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal and the Eastern Town >>> architecture competition underway to re-imagine Port Royal
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal and the Eastern Town >>> >>> 
One prominent idea for the Port Royal/Eastern Town area is 'mixed-use':
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: mixed development
Futures Forum: Ham Lane Redevelopment Study - a mixed development for Port Royal
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: ideas for 'mixed use' projects >>> >>> the Beddington Zero Energy Development
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal and the Eastern Town >>> >>> >>> cottages, commerce and car parks

This would reflect the nature of the historical area:
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: Eastern Town then and now 

East Devon's MP has called for looking at the area as a whole - and has suggested "a wrap-around car park, weaved between starter flats" for the Eastern Town:

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Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal and the Eastern Town >>> and the public consultations

from Futures Forum Plans for Port Royal and the Eastern Town >>> >>> >>> >>> "a wrap-around car park, weaved between starter flats" - Entrepreneur Generations

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