Sidford business park >>> planning application plans >>> deadline for comments: Weds 8th June - Entrepreneur Generations

It is difficult to judge which current planning application will have the most devastating effect on the sustainability of Sidmouth:
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project >>> PegasusLife planning application >>> There are 'some things that are not quite how they have been made public'.
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project >>> public invited to attend Town Council planning committee >>> Weds 1st June
Futures Forum: Sidford business park >>> planning application submitted >>> 16/0669/MOUT
Futures Forum: Sidford business park >>> planning application plans
Futures Forum: Sidford business park >>> planning application plans >>> latest reports

It is clear, however, that comments are needed:

URGENT! Sidford Business Park Planning Application now in. “The more people who write in, the better”. DEADLINE for comments, WEDS 8th JUNE.

May 26, 2016 by sidmouthsid Leave a comment

Some very practical guidelines for commenting are in the letter copied below, with many thanks to the Sidford resident who wrote it.

Planning ref: 16/0669/MOUT

Dear Residents

I hope these notes will help you to make comments about the above planning application. The more people who write in, the better. Please send your observations and ask your friends to do likewise to: or
Write to Planning Dept, EDDC, Knowle, Sidmouth, EX10 8HL

Please remember the following:

Closing date: 8th June 2016
Quote ref: 16/0669/MOUT

Note you can ONLY make comments relating to ‘planning considerations’. These, for example, include matters such as:

The impact of a proposal on your property;
The proposed design and materials;
Issues relating to vehicular access and parking;
Impact on trees;
Noise issues,
Concerns about flooding.

Matters which are not classed as ‘planning considerations’ include:

Loss of value to your property; Loss of a view; Boundary and neighbour disputes, or
The impact of a proposal on private drainage systems.

Planning policies which relate to this development can be found at:

(Click on The Local Plan 2013-2031 to access this document)

Strategy 46 p.144
Landscape Conservation and Enhancement and AONBs:

‘Development will only be permitted where it:
1. Conserves and enhances the landscape character of the area;
2. Does not undermine landscape quality; and
3. Is appropriate to the economic, social and well being of the area’

Non-compliance with the NPPF
The National Planning Policy Framework puts an emphasis on protecting AONB land, such as at Sidford. Para 116 of the NPPF states that planning permission should be refused for major developments on AONB land except in exceptional circumstances and where it can be demonstrated that the development is in the public interest.

Comments could include the fact that this is a tourist area, plus unemployment is low and the proposed development would require in-commuting to fill any jobs created.


EN13 – development on high quality agricultural land
Development proposes warehousing which could be a 24/7 operation – noise, lighting, impact of pollution from artificial light on local amenity

EN14 – control of pollution – to residents or the wider environment
Pollution of the atmosphere – School St and pinch points in Sidbury – stationery traffic (especially as volumes will increase)
Noise and/or vibration
Light intrusion
Pollution of sites of wildlife value, especially European designated sites or species (eg otters and horseshoe bats)

EN21 – river and coastal flooding
‘Flood risk assessment demonstrates that the development will be safe, without increasing flood risk elsewhere and, where possible, will reduce flood risk overall.’
NB any increased flood risk would impact Sidbury, Sidford and Sidmouth – remember there were four flood warnings from The Environment Agency in 2012.


E9 – town centre vitality and shopping areas – THIS NEEDS TO BE PROTECTED
NB. ‘Ancillary retail’ is part of Fords application
Planning application uses include B1 (office), B2 (general), B8 (distribution / warehousing)
…will be permitted provided:
1. ‘Use would not undermine the shopping character, visual amenity, vitality or viability of town centre
2. Amenity interest of occupiers of adjoining properties is not adversely affected by reason of noise, smell or litter
3. Would not cause traffic problems !!! (NB. Lorries already drive on the pavement in School St because they cannot pass oncoming traffic and there are traffic tailbacks during the tourism season)’


TC3 – traffic management schemes
,,,’when considering development proposals in town centre, will seek the introduction of traffic management schemes when one or more of the following objectives can be achieved:
1. Safe and efficient movement of mobility impaired, pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles
2. Alleviation of congestion (see E9, 3. And EN14/pollution above)
3. Reduction of traffic conflict and accident potential
4. Reduction of delays to public transport
5. Reduction of environmental damage by traffic’

Please could you also write or email local papers:

Sidmouth Herald:
Pulman’s (View from):
Express & Echo:
Western Morning News:

Yours sincerely

Kim Scratchley
Two Bridges Road, Sidford

URGENT! Sidford Business Park Planning Application now in. “The more people who write in, the better”. DEADLINE for comments, WEDS 8th JUNE. | Save Our Sidmouth

from Futures Forum Sidford business park >>> planning application plans >>> deadline for comments: Weds 8th June - Entrepreneur Generations

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