There is NIMBY:
Futures Forum: Going BANANAs: planning and NIMBYism
There is SWIMBY:
Futures Forum: Something Wonderful in My Back Yard: the musical >>> coming to a place near you very soon >>>
There is now BIMBY - which is happening everywhere:
Du syndrome NIMBY à la stratégie BIMBY | Bimby » Build In My BackYard
Institut der Stadtbaukunst – Ein Forum für Architektur und Städtebau
And it has had endorsement from the highest level, according to the Western Morning News:
Prince’s charity calls for ‘beauty in my backyard’ – Bimby - housing developments | Western Morning News
Here is a nice introduction from the organisation 'Create Streets':
BIMBY (Beauty in My Back Yard)
Create Streets is delighted to be a partner organisation to the BIMBY toolkit (Beauty-in-my-back-yard) alongside the National Trust, the Local Government Association and Civic Voice.
BIMBY is a series of workshops to help communities engage positively with the planning process and influence the quality of new development in their area. It has been developed by the Prince's Foundation for Building Community.
This in turn can feed into, influence or be part of Local Plans, Neighbourhood Plans, Neighbourhood Development Orders or individual planning applications.
Create Streets can run the workshops with your community. The core aim is to give both certainty to house builders, who can be sure of their housing's popularity, whilst also granting security to the community and local authority that new building projects will tie in with local preferences and needs.
Using the BIMBY Toolkit, communities can directly influence the quality and beauty of new housing by developing a BIMBY Housing Manual for their area.
The BIMBY guide is an important step in the Direct Planning revolution to better align what is built with what people want and like in the built environment.
BIMBY - create streets
The group produces a toolkit and manuals to give local communities very practical guidance:
BIMBY - Toolkit
For example:
BIMBY - Identifying sensible areas for new homes
Which can in turn help shape the local neighbourhood plan:
Futures Forum: Neighbourhood Plan >>> fill in the questionnaire!
Roger Scruton introduced the ideas from Create Streets and BIMBY on Radio 4 this morning:
How Should We Build?
A Point of View
Roger Scruton says we should protect the English countryside by making beauty our priority when we build new houses while in towns we should reverse the damage done in previous decades.
"Surely the time has come to tear down the post-war estates, and to recover the old street lines that they extinguished."
BBC Radio 4 - A Point of View, How Should We Build?
See also:
Futures Forum: What motivates nimbyism towards the mining industry?
Futures Forum: What motivates nimbyism? Who benefits from land-use classification?
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