Health managers to 'discuss plans' for the future of Sidmouth's hospital with the Town Council - Entrepreneur Generations

There have been unexpected changes in health provision in the Sid Valley:
Futures Forum: Sidmouth's Minor Injuries Unit moves from Victoria Hospital to the Beacon Medical Centre

Such is the concern of local politicians, that health managers have been asked to 'discuss plans' for the future of Sidmouth's cottage hospital:

Breaking news & sport in Sidmouth | Sidmouth Herald

Meanwhile, the hospital is making best use of its facilities:

Refurbished MIU rooms at Sidmouth Victoria Hospital ‘won’t go to waste’

11 June 2016 

Sidmouth Victoria Hospital bosses say recently refurbished rooms ‘will not go to waste’ despite the temporary relocation of the minor injuries unit (MIU).

The facility reopened in its new location at the Beacon Medical Centre last week after an enforced closure in November blamed on staffing difficulties faced by the Northern Devon Healthcare NHT Trust.

Despite disappointment that the facility no longer be sited in the town hospital, the chairman of its comforts fund says there is much to be grateful for.

Graham Vincent, chairman of Sidmouth Victoria Hospital Comforts Fund, said: “We are in the stage of planning the therapeutic garden now. What has held us back is the delay in new providers taking over which is now being pushed back again. This is our project for the year and it is about time we got to it. It would be so beneficial to anyone who is in the hospital. We are supported very well by the community. If it had not been for the generosity of the local people we would not have what we have got today.”

Tina Slade, hospital business manager, said: “We are hoping to be able to use the MIU rooms for more outpatient clinics so they will not be going to waste.”

Authorities are now working to put up signs in the town centre and around the Sid Valley to give residents and visitors information about the MIU, which will be provided between 8am and 6pm, from Monday to Friday.

The hospital’s annual Flag Day will be held on Friday, June 17, to raise funds for the cause. Last year marked a record collection and Mr Vincent said he hopes to exceed the £1,060 raised.

Refurbished MIU rooms at Sidmouth Victoria Hospital ‘won’t go to waste’ - News - Sidmouth Herald

from Futures Forum Health managers to 'discuss plans' for the future of Sidmouth's hospital with the Town Council - Entrepreneur Generations

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