Independence in Democracy >>> Educating Independence - Entrepreneur Generations

It seems that independent politics is making moves:
Futures Forum: A national policy framework for independent candidates?

Last month, independents gathered in Totnes:
Futures Forum: Independents gather in Totnes: Weds 25th May

Here's an interview with a leading light in the independents movement at that gathering - from the Educating Independence site:

Independence in Democracy. Danny Bamping: No Party Movement

Published on Jun 9, 2016

This interview with Danny Bamping was filmed on 25th May 2016 outside the Guildhall in Totnes just prior to a public meeting on independence in democracy. The meeting hosted a number of people from across the region (and beyond) and invited them to discuss ideas and exchange strategies for the implementation of independence in local, regional, and national politics.

North Somerset 1st - Localism for Local People
Plymouth Independents PartyTwo more Independent groups in the south-west | East Devon Watch

Whilst at Westminster, there's the campaign for greater transparency MPs' finances...
Do MPs gain directly from the decisions they push through? We just don’t know | Martin Williams | Opinion | The Guardian
Rotten apples in Parliament: more than you could ever imagine | East Devon Watch

And last but not least, East Devon's MP has a few words to say about 'independents':
BLOG: How Independent are the Independents? | Hugo Swire
Swire – many, many feathers ruffled! | East Devon Watch

Although the final word is from the Educating Independence blog which asks some intelligent questions:
EU: Leave or Remain? | Educating Independence
Britain, Europe & Independence | Educating Independence

And has some interesting resources:
Educating Independence - YouTube

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