Neighbourhood Plan >>> fill in the questionnaire! - Entrepreneur Generations

The Neighbourhood Plan for the Sid Valley had its first, successful roadshow on Wednesday:
Futures Forum: Neighbourhood Plan >>> first roadshow Weds 8th June
Vision Group for Sidmouth - Sidmouth Neighbourhood Plan Hits the Road

And members of the public were already filling in the questionnaire 
- which is the first in a series to go out.


You can fill it in by downloading the form and printing it off - then return it to one of the many drop-off points in the Valley by 18th June.
Click on here:
Sid Valley Neighbourhood Plan questionnaire

Or you can go to the Survey Monkey website and fill in the form directly - which will, as with the paper version, be anonymous.
Click on here:
SurveyMonkey Powered Online Survey

The next roadshow will be up at the Stowford Rise Community Centre on Tuesday 14th June:
NeighbourHood Plan - Sidmouth Town Council

from Futures Forum Neighbourhood Plan >>> fill in the questionnaire! - Entrepreneur Generations

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