Futures Forum: Neighbourhood Plan >>> fill in the questionnaire!
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And the roadshows are picking up momentum:
Futures Forum: Neighbourhood Plan >>> first roadshow Weds 8th June
You can give a hand at the events if you have an hour or so to spare:
Futures Forum: Neighbourhood Plan >>> Would you like to help out with the Roadshows over the coming weeks?
The notions of what people would like to see in the plan are beginning to emerge:
Futures Forum: Neighbourhood Plan >>> getting schools involved >>> >>> "Sid Valley Youth Speaks Out!"
The Herald has been covering the Plan's progress:
‘Way ahead’ road show highlights key worries of Sid Valley’s community
11:05 17 June 2016
The environment, cliff erosion and opportunities for young people were some the key concerns identified by people at the first Neighbourhood Plan road show.
A series of public events are being held in Sidmouth, Sidford, Sidbury and Salcombe Regis to give residents a chance to have their say on shaping the future of their community.
The Sid Valley Neighbourhood Plan is a £46,000 volunteer-led project that – once adopted – will form a blueprint to influence future planning decisions for the next 20 years and beyond.
The chair of its steering committee, Deirdre Hounsom, said: “Conclusions and evidence from the first roadshow suggest overwhelmingly that the major causes for concern are the environment and protection of the Jurassic coastline, the lack of work opportunities and housing for younger people and the emphasis on the increasing number of care home facilities being planned for the town and the surrounding areas.”
Michael McInerney, 80, who attended the event in St Teresa’s Hall, said: “We need to control and adapt to change and accept it as a necessary and inevitable part of life - rather than drift along and be overwhelmed when change happens.
“The Neighbourhood Plan offers us a chance to influence our future. The Sid Valley needs a balanced population - not too old or too young, if we are to have sustainable future.”
Future roadshow dates are as follows:
Monday, June 20: Sidford Social Hall, 5pm - 8pm.
Wednesday, June 22: Sidbury Village Hall, 3pm - 8pm.
Thursday, July 7: St Mary and St Peter’s Church, Salcombe Regis, 4pm to 7pm.
Anyone able to lend a hand can email Deirdre Hounsom: d.hounsom@hotmail.com
Updates and further information are available in the Herald, on notice boards and at www.sidmouth.gov.uk.
‘Way ahead’ road show highlights key worries of Sid Valley’s community - News - Sidmouth Herald
from Futures Forum http://ift.tt/1tBtBn1 Neighbourhood Plan >>> voice your concerns for the future >>> next roadshows >>> Monday 20th June in Sidford >>> Wednesday 22nd June in Sidbury - Entrepreneur Generations
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