Futures Forum: Sidford business park > Fords planning application >>> 16/0669/MOUT >>> Environment Agency appears to contradict its own guidance on flooding and climate change
Nevertheless, there will still be opportunity for the public to voice concerns about the application and any official comment next week.
On Wednesday, the Town Council will be considering the planning application at a special meeting in Sidford - where the public have been invited to speak:
On the Streetlife blog, the SOS chair states the importance of members of the public showing up at the meeting:
Sidford Employment Land
Richard T 17 hours ago
The closing date for public objections was the 7th June; (EDDC would not extend the time, despite the Planning Application for the Knowle arising at the same time).
STC is holding their Planning Meeting to discuss the application next Wednesday as Jackie G says.
So it is too late to put in your own objection if you have one, but it would be good to demonstrate your interest at the STC meeting
Streetlife | Sidford Employment Land
The Save Our Sidmouth site also draws attention to the meeting:
Town Council’s stance on planning application for Sidford floodplain business park, to be decided NEXT WEDS EVE, 15th JUNE, at Sidford Social Hall
June 10, 2016
The Sidmouth Town Council Planning meeting begins at 6.30pm on Wednesday 15th June, at Sidford Social Hall, Byes Lane. Public question time is included. Sid Vale Association will be among those presenting their objections.
Regrettably, the meeting has been poorly advertised, considering the importance of the application which involves plans for the first phase of a large business park on the floodplain beside Two Bridges Road, Sidford (on the A375, dir. Sidbury). Everyone living, visiting, or passing through the Sid Valley will be affected by the outcome of this application to build on a sensitive site, in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) already prone to traffic congestion.
Ultimately, it is the District Council’s Development Management Committee (DMC) who make the final decision (this is likely to be in high summer, 2016).
Streetlife | Sidford Employment Land
The Save Our Sidmouth site also draws attention to the meeting:
Town Council’s stance on planning application for Sidford floodplain business park, to be decided NEXT WEDS EVE, 15th JUNE, at Sidford Social Hall
June 10, 2016
The Sidmouth Town Council Planning meeting begins at 6.30pm on Wednesday 15th June, at Sidford Social Hall, Byes Lane. Public question time is included. Sid Vale Association will be among those presenting their objections.
Regrettably, the meeting has been poorly advertised, considering the importance of the application which involves plans for the first phase of a large business park on the floodplain beside Two Bridges Road, Sidford (on the A375, dir. Sidbury). Everyone living, visiting, or passing through the Sid Valley will be affected by the outcome of this application to build on a sensitive site, in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) already prone to traffic congestion.
Ultimately, it is the District Council’s Development Management Committee (DMC) who make the final decision (this is likely to be in high summer, 2016).
But the Town Council has the responsibility to make known what local people think, for a balanced judgement.
For your information: Comments can be viewed at this link: http://ift.tt/1NOfcdy
To SEARCH, type in ref 16/0669/MOUT
One very thorough report in CONSULTEES COMMENTS includes relevant photographs, flood zone maps, and a video. It was compiled by Sidmouth-Sidford Ward Members Cllrs Marianne Rixson and Dawn Manley, two of the East Devon Alliance Independents elected to East Devon District Council in May 2015.
Town Council’s stance on planning application for Sidford floodplain business park, to be decided NEXT WEDS EVE, 15th JUNE, at Sidford Social Hall | Save Our Sidmouth
For your information: Comments can be viewed at this link: http://ift.tt/1NOfcdy
To SEARCH, type in ref 16/0669/MOUT
One very thorough report in CONSULTEES COMMENTS includes relevant photographs, flood zone maps, and a video. It was compiled by Sidmouth-Sidford Ward Members Cllrs Marianne Rixson and Dawn Manley, two of the East Devon Alliance Independents elected to East Devon District Council in May 2015.
Town Council’s stance on planning application for Sidford floodplain business park, to be decided NEXT WEDS EVE, 15th JUNE, at Sidford Social Hall | Save Our Sidmouth
from Futures Forum http://ift.tt/1XfozrN Sidford business park > Fords planning application >>> 16/0669/MOUT >>> Town Council still to submit comment >>> public meeting Weds 15th June in Sidford - Entrepreneur Generations
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