Beach Management Plan: "It is very important to get comments in: the public is in a very strong position to comment on which option it believes will deliver the best seafront for the town - and DEFRA will take that into consideration." - Entrepreneur Generations

The Beach Management Plan has been out to consultation
Futures Forum: Beach Management Plan: public consultation 15th June and Steering Group meeting 16th June

- and feedback is being asked for before the next District Council Cabinet meeting:
Futures Forum: Beach Management Plan: fill in the feedback form by Tuesday 5th July to chose the best option to protect Sidmouth's Eastern Beach

And, at least on Streetlife, the favourite option appears to be 4b (the alternative short-list option number 4):
Streetlife | Beach Management Plan

- that is, the positioning of addional offshore breakwaters, but obliquely and so in a less imposing way:

"If you would like provide feedback on the proposed options, please complete our feedback form by 5th July and return it to us: by email:

Public Consultation - East Devon

Options 4a and 4b have been published by the latest View from Sidmouth:

Plans to protect Sidmouth seafront moves forward as consultation opens

By Peter Hodges - June 28, 2016

PLANS to protect Sidmouth seafront have taken a step forward after a steering group met to discuss the shortlisted options as part of a public consultation process to reach a preferred choice for the town.

The meeting of the Sidmouth and East Beach Management Plan (BMP) took place on Thursday, June 16th at Kennaway House in Sidmouth – the day after the public consultation commenced on the shortlist options, which was also held at this venue.

The BMP’s aims are to continue to protect Sidmouth and East beach against coastal erosion and flooding in an integrated, justifiable and sustainable way across both Sidmouth Town Beach and East Beach, as well as to reduce the rate of erosion to the east of the River Sid.

Coastal expert Alan Frampton of CH2M – East Devon District Council’s coastal flood and erosion risk management consultants on this project – introduced the four shortlist options to the members of the Steering Group and explained their purpose, as well as the technical, environmental and economic benefits of each option.

The Steering Group is made up of a cross section of representatives from the district, town and county councils, as well as community groups, local businesses, statutory bodies and South West Water. The steering group advises on the development and delivery of the Beach Management Plan and acts as a partner to the project team.

Around 100 members of the local community, including residents, fishermen, hoteliers and other Sidmouth businesses, together with district and town councillors, attended the consultation the day before, which received a steady flow of visitors.

Option 4 – Illustrates how shore-parallel offshore breakwaters could look

Option 4 alternative – illustrates how a more oblique angled offshore breakwaters layout could look

Residents concerned with the impact the coastal defenses might have were answered by Alan Frampton, and David Turner, East Devon’s BMP project manager. Concerns included:

> Visual impact on the seascape
> Safety concerns regarding people swimming out to the groynes/breakwaters/reefs and the impact on the use of the beach, navigation issues and the potential for rip currents
> Stability of the land behind the seawall
> The affect of the various options on surf conditions

The Steering Group will be meeting again mid August to discuss feedback from the public consultation, comments received from the Steering Group and CH2M’s recommendations for the preferred options.

John Golding, East Devon District Council’s Strategic Lead for Housing and Environment, said:

“We want to receive as much feedback as possible from the local community to help inform the decision making process on the BMP options and to enable the project to proceed. We’re really pleased with the attendance at the information event and we would encourage people to visit Knowle to see the exhibition boards in the main reception area, which is open from 8.30am to 5pm. Or they can access the consultation material and download the feedback form from the website. We value the opinions of the local community highly as part of the BMP process. Their feedback and expertise is extremely important and we are delighted that the community group representatives on the Steering Group have decided to work together as an independent sub group that will make joint representations to the Steering Group.“

Plans to protect Sidmouth seafront moves forward as consultation opens

The public is being urged to contribute:

Beach Management Plan

With regard to the public say, obviously the public is not in the best position to comment on the technical aspects but it is in a very strong position to comment on which option it believes will deliver the best seafront for the town (including coastal protection, tourism and amenities) and DEFRA will take that into consideration.

So it is very important to get comments in.

Streetlife | Beach Management Plan

from Futures Forum Beach Management Plan: "It is very important to get comments in: the public is in a very strong position to comment on which option it believes will deliver the best seafront for the town - and DEFRA will take that into consideration." - Entrepreneur Generations

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