Plans for Port Royal and the Eastern Town >>> >>> architecture competition to re-imagine Port Royal >>> winning design chosen - Entrepreneur Generations

After months of creativity and decision-making on the 're-imagine' Port Royal competition
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal and the Eastern Town >>> >>> architecture competition to re-imagine Port Royal >>> deadline to chose design: Tuesday 12th July > more reports

... the final choice has been made by the public:

Breaking news & sport in Sidmouth | Sidmouth Herald

With the story just available on-line - together with a link to the winning design:

Winner of competition to re-imagine Sidmouth’s eastern town revealed

16:01 18 July 2016
‘The Pier’ named top design

Turner Architects (Winner) (2)

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A design that celebrates Sidmouth’s coastal heritage, history and community has been declared the winner of a competition to re-imagine Port Royal, writes Eleanor Pipe.
Organiser Henry Beech Mole made the announcement on Wednesday in the culmination of a project that has captured imaginations around the world and aimed to encourage ‘blue sky thinking’ for the ‘neglected’ eastern town.
The Sidmouth-born architect launched the competition as ‘a chance to think about what the town wants for the 21st century’. ‘The Pier’, by Turner Architects in London, was voted the winner from a shortlist of five designs.
Paul Turner, director of the winning company, said: “It’s been a great opportunity for us to design something that celebrates the beautiful coastline and also contribute to the ongoing debate around how our communities and environments, both natural and built, engage with each other.”
Residents were invited to vote on the shortlisted designs that were displayed in the Herald and at Kennaway House.
More than 300 people put forward their views on each of the visions for Sidmouth’s eastern town.
Cathy Gardner supported the project and said there were a number of themes that emerged from the exercise, with a particularly strong emphasis on the need to protect the town’s crumbling coastline and prevent further erosion at Pennington Point.
Comments also focused on creating something unique, flexible and suitable for everyone.
‘The Harbour’ design captured the imaginations of many with plans for a multi-use public waterfront space.

Winner of competition to re-imagine Sidmouth’s eastern town revealed - News - Sidmouth Herald

This is the winning architects:
Turner Architects | Facebook

from Futures Forum Plans for Port Royal and the Eastern Town >>> >>> architecture competition to re-imagine Port Royal >>> winning design chosen - Entrepreneur Generations

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