Neighbourhood Plan: results presented >>> >>> >>> >>> the Sid Vale's natural beauty and seafront come out top >>> and transport and the District Council come bottom - Entrepreneur Generations

The first tranche of questionnaires have been collated:
Futures Forum: Neighbourhood Plan: results coming in from questionnaire

These results were delivered to the Town Council earlier this month:

Sid Valley Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

Tim Salt, Neighbourhood Plan Administrator gave an update regarding the initial results from the recent questionnaire consultation. 
The questionnaire had been delivered to 7,500 households, made available on the Sidmouth Town Council website and promoted at a number of roadshow events throughout the summer. 
There were 709 questionnaires received which represents a 9% response rate of the total households. 
The narrative data analysis will be completed shortly leading to a report issue in early September and a Hotel and Commercial Survey in mid September.


Here are the key graphs from that presentation:


These slides were used to update Sidmouth Town Council at their meeting on 8th August 2016.

Please note that the charts are based on analysis of the paper questionnaires and were correct at that date. They don't however include data from the Survey Monkey questionnaires, which at that point hadn't been analysed.

NeighbourHood Plan - Sidmouth Town Council

The Herald has published some of the more notable results:

Questionnaire results reveal your likes and gripes about Sid valley

16:30 24 August 2016 Beth Sharp

The protection of the Sid Valley’s natural beauty is among residents’ top concerns, a major questionnaire has revealed.

And people’s main dislikes about the town include transport - and East Devon District Council.

The first wave of results from a questionnaire for the Sid Valley Neighbourhood Plan were revealed at a Sidmouth Town Council meeting by Tim Salt, an administrator for the plan’s steering group.

In total, 1,107 people had their say on the plan during a consultation which ran from June 6 - July 25 – a nine per cent response rate.

Overall, 587 paper questionnaires were completed, while 122 people filled out an online survey.

People were asked what they loved most about the town and the top answer, with 160 votes, was Sidmouth’s natural beauty, environment, valley, The Byes and hills.

Sidmouth’s second most-loved qualities were the seafront, sea, Jacob’s Ladder, cliffs and The Esplanade - all of which got 73 votes.

Some 60 people said community life, spirit and the sense of community in Sidmouth was what they liked most.

In total, 88 people said the thing they liked least about the town was transport, which included parking, cars, traffic and speeding.

The second most-disliked response was East Devon District Council, said some 45 residents. This included topics such as planning, the Local Plan and Knowle.

Housing and inflated prices due to wealthy retirees, along with elderly residents and too much emphasis on their needs, were next on the list with 25 votes each.

Overall, 328 residents said they were most interested in the environment and the protection of the countryside; 324 said health and care facilities; and 315 respondents said they were most interested in transport – including things like parking, traffic management and walking.

Questionnaire results reveal your likes and gripes about Sid valley - News - Sidmouth Herald

from Futures Forum Neighbourhood Plan: results presented >>> >>> >>> >>> the Sid Vale's natural beauty and seafront come out top >>> and transport and the District Council come bottom - Entrepreneur Generations

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