Futures Forum: Going BANANAs: planning and NIMBYism
We must remember the iconoclast Ian Nairn:
Futures Forum: Ian Nairn: Outrage at the failures of urban planning
Meanwhile, there are other ways of describing this:
Futures Forum: Are you a SWIMBY? >>> Something Wonderful In My Back Yard >>>>>>>
Futures Forum: BIBMY >>> build something beautiful in my back yard
Futures Forum: BIMBY, not NIMBY: and development in the Sid Valley
Besides, why 'nimby'?
Futures Forum: What motivates nimbyism? Who benefits from land-use classification?
Futures Forum: What motivates nimbyism towards the mining industry?
The CoVoP have taken the theme for their annual national conference:
Community Voice on Planning National Conference
NIMBY – reality or slur?
We are pleased to invite you to attend the first National Conference of CoVoP. It will take place at the Queen’s Hotel Leeds, Saturday October 15th 2016 (10.45 -3.45). The Programme for the conference is available here.
We are fortunate that we have a number of guest speakers as well as presentations from some of our trustees. We have confirmation that a cross party group of MPs will be attending and there will be a plenary session where we can address issues surrounding the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
The theme of the conference is that the NPPF is not working- either for communities or the country. We will be producing a report from the meeting to present to the planning Minister to make sure that the Government gets the messages that arise from the discussions. We are determined to use this opportunity to state the case further for significant changes to the planning system.
There are a limited number of places so to secure tickets please contact the organiser, Cheryl Tyler, using the reply slip before the closing date of 22 September.
Community Voice on Planning | A National Alliance to provide communities with an effective voice on planning, enabling them to protect their greenfield and green spaces.
NIMBY – reality or slur? COVOP conference debates | East Devon Watch
See also:
A response to “NIMBYs have had their day” | East Devon Watch
Reminder: National Day of Action event at Knowle (12 April) | East Devon Watch
LPEG chair defends plan to cut back sustainability appraisal process | Planning Resource
from Futures Forum http://ift.tt/2bvHzkz NIMBY – reality or slur? >>> Community Voice on Planning: National Conference - Entrepreneur Generations
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