Knowle relocation project > Pegasus planning application 16/0872/MFUL >>> will "tastefully ornament the listed summerhouse" - Entrepreneur Generations

There are mounting concerns that the planning application to develop the Knowle site will impinge on Listed Buildings:

The DMC’s fourth and final reason for rejecting the planning application on 1st March 2013 also has parallels with the current application:
4 - Contrary to policy EN9 (Extension, Alteration or Change of Use of Buildings of Special Architectural and Historic Interest)
RESOLVED: that the application 12/1847/MOUT be refused, contrary to Officer recommendation, for the following reasons:
4. The proposed development would have a harmful impact on the setting of the listed building known as Balfour Lodge which formed one of the original gatehouses to Knowle by virtue of its close relationship and the form of development proposed. The development would therefore be contrary to policy EN9 (Extension, Alteration or Change of Use of Buildings of Special Architectural and Historic Interest) of the adopted East Devon Local Plan.

Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project > Pegasus planning application 16/0872/MFUL >>> and the rejected planning application 12/1847/MOUT of 1st March 2013 >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> Part four: Contrary to policy EN9 (Extension, Alteration or Change of Use of Buildings of Special Architectural and Historic Interest)

In particular, the Summerhouse:

It could be strongly argued that the current application should be refused because it does not comply with a key policy in the Local Plan:

EN8 - Significance of Heritage Assets and their Setting
When considering development proposals the significance of any heritage assets and their settings, should first be established by the applicant through a proportionate but systematic assessment following East Devon District Council guidance notes for ‘Assessment of Significance’ (and the English Heritage guidance “The Setting Of Heritage Assets”), or any replacement guidance, sufficient to understand the potential impact of the proposal on the significance of the asset. This policy applies to both designated and non-designated heritage assets, including any identified on the East Devon local list.


Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project > Pegasus planning application 16/0872/MFUL >>> EN8 - Significance of Heritage Assets and their Setting

In a letter from the applicant's planning consultants to District Planning Officer James Brown, not only it is clear that the Officer expresses concern about the proximity of buildings E and D on the Upper Lawns to the listed summerhouse, but that he also suggests that PegasusLife set building E back to the existing office footprint:
[Doc 2391410]

The response from PegasusLife have been additions to their heritage statement - where the claim is made that the two buildings (at 60 ft) will "tastefully ornament the listed summerhouse" whilst minimizing the historic rural setting of the Listed building:
[Doc 2391417]

16/0872/MFUL | The construction of an assisted living community for older people comprising extra care units, staff accommodation and communal facilities, including a kitchen, restaurant/bar/cafe, a well-being suite comprising gym, treatment rooms and pool, a communal lounge and storage facilities; car parking for residents, visitors and staff of the assisted living community; comprehensive landscaping comprising communal and private spaces; and associated groundworks. | Council Offices Knowle Sidmouth EX10 8HL

from Futures Forum Knowle relocation project > Pegasus planning application 16/0872/MFUL >>> will "tastefully ornament the listed summerhouse" - Entrepreneur Generations

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