Futures Forum: SVA object to Fords planning application 16/0669/MOUT >>> deadline for all submissions: Friday 16th September
Here are the details:
16/0669/MOUT | Outline application accompanied by an Environmental Statement (with all matters reserved except access) for the development of up to 22,800sqm of floor space for use classes B1 (Office Light Industry), B2 (General Industry) and B8 (Storage and Distribution) with details of, and associated strategic landscaping for, the access, linking cycleway and footway, and flood improvements/attenuation. | Land Adjacent To Two Bridges Two Bridges Road Sidford
With lots of arguments for and against:
Sidmouth Town Council fails to back Fords plan - View News
Environment Agency defends ‘incomprehensible’ support of Sidford business park plans - News - Sidmouth Herald
New business park plan could create 300 jobs for Sidford and Sidmouth | Exeter Express and Echo
The Norman Lockyer Observatory is clearly against:
Planned Sidford business park would be “a total disaster” for the Observatory, says NLO Director
September 13, 2016 by sidmouthsid Leave a comment
At a packed Public Meeting last night in Sidford, past warnings from eminent astrologer, the late Sir Patrick More, and one of his most famous students, Brian May, were loudly echoed by the Director of Sidmouth’s renowned Norman Lockyer Observatory, Alan Green.
Brian May and Sir Patrick More had signed the SOS petition four years ago, see http://ift.tt/2cai04E.
But with the fuller information now known about the development actually proposed, Mr Green was scathing.
Light pollution from a Business Park of the scale of the one planned at Sidford “could destroy the Observatory”, he told the packed Meeting, organised by residents from Sidford, Sidbury and Sidmouth, with the support of the East Devon Alliance.
The focus of the meeting, Chaired by Cathy Debenham, was on information, such as the deadline for comments (this Friday 16th September); what counts as ‘planning considerations’; who will decide on the planning application (It’s EDDC’s Development Management Committee, DMC), and where (usually Knowle Council Chamber), and when (possibly at next DMC meeting in October, or November, but not yet confirmed).
There was plenty of time before the start of the meeting to study the several information boards on display.
(Report to be continued..)
Planned Sidford business park would be “a total disaster” for the Observatory, says NLO Director | Save Our Sidmouth
As is most of Sidford:
September 14, 2016 by sidmouthsid 1 Comment
The following press release has just been issued, on behalf of the Sid Valley residents who organised the Public Meeting:
An overflowing Sidford Social Hall was witness to a series of strong arguments against the proposed business park development in AONB at Sidford Fields by Fords Group, Sidmouth. Among the many speakers at the Public Meeting, organised by Sid Valley Residents on Monday (12 Sep) and chaired by Cathy Debenham:
(Report to be continued..)
Planned Sidford business park would be “a total disaster” for the Observatory, says NLO Director | Save Our Sidmouth
As is most of Sidford:
September 14, 2016 by sidmouthsid 1 Comment
The following press release has just been issued, on behalf of the Sid Valley residents who organised the Public Meeting:
An overflowing Sidford Social Hall was witness to a series of strong arguments against the proposed business park development in AONB at Sidford Fields by Fords Group, Sidmouth. Among the many speakers at the Public Meeting, organised by Sid Valley Residents on Monday (12 Sep) and chaired by Cathy Debenham:
Alan Green, Director of the Norman Lockyer Observatory said the light pollution from the development would be ‘a total disaster and will destroy us after 104 years.’
Marianne Rixson, East Devon Alliance and EDDC Councillor (Sidmouth-Sidford), presented research showing that Exeter and Honiton currently have 1.6 million square feet of available employment units, so East Devon hardly needs any more, especially in AONB and on a flood plain.
Richard Thurlow, of the Sid Vale Association pointed out that Fords have applied for B2 Light Industrial use, which is not only against the Local Plan, but against locals themselves.
Pam Ward, a governor of Sidbury School said that the increased traffic and kind of vehicles involved would become a serious safety issue for local children.
As a result of the meeting forthcoming actions may include:
• Hiring of a planning consultant to document and present the counter arguments for the DMC – the money was pledged immediately by one audience member.
• Concerted protests to the land owner, Sir John Cave (without disruption to this week’s Sidbury Fair).
• A re-assessment of the sustainability report.
• A re-investigation of Devon Council’s Highway’s Committee report on the proposal’s traffic impact, which is long out-dated (2012)
• Written objections to EDDC planning before the application’s comment’s deadline this week (Friday 16 September)
• Mass public attendance at Knowle at EDDC’s Development Management Committee (DMC) meeting when the decision on Fords’ planning application will be made, possibly October 4th or November 1st 2016. Precise date will be publicised as soon as confirmed.
Over 100 emails and contacts were collected from locals keen to join the protest. There was a serious mood in the room to boycott Fords. There were calls for an eventual Public Enquiry.
Whatever happens, it is clear that the DMC’s decision will not go unnoticed.
More information at:
Facebook- ‘Say NO to Sidford Business Park
See also:
Futures Forum: ‘Say NO to Sidford Business Park’ >>> Public meeting >>> reports, campaign and petition
Futures Forum: Sidford business park > Town Council planning committee AGAIN unanimously rejects Fords planning application >>> 16/0669/MOUT >>> more reports
from Futures Forum http://ift.tt/2ccgGn0 Sidford business park > Fords planning application >>> 16/0669/MOUT >>> deadline for comment: Fri 16th Sept - Entrepreneur Generations
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