The future of Sidmouth's Blackmore Health Centre >>> >>> Save Our Surgery >>> MP Hugo Swire to attend talks >>> 11.15am Monday 19th September - Entrepreneur Generations

Residents have been asked to show their support for Sidmouth's town centre health centre:
Futures Forum: The future of Sidmouth's Blackmore Health Centre >>> Save Our Surgery >>> demonstration of support >>> 11.15am Monday 19th September

This will coincide with a visit by local MP Hugo Swire:

Breaking news & sport in Sidmouth | Sidmouth Herald

ounty Councillor Claire Wright - member of the County's Health Committee and political rival to MP Hugo Swire  - has had something to say on the matter:

Devon MPs hold crisis talks with ministers over NHS bed cuts

Friday, 16 September 2016 0 Comments by Claire

Devon MPs have met with ministers about the leaked report concerning the plans to hugely cut hospital beds.

Peter Heaton Jones criticises those who he claims have have made it “party political.” He then goes on to parrot nonsense conservative spin on NHS funding ... as if the government hasn’t been starving the NHS of funds for all the years they have been in power!

And was our MP present? If not why, and if so, why haven’t we heard the outcome of the meeting?
MPs hold crisis talks with Health Minister over North Devon District Hospital cuts - News - North Devon Gazette

East Devon MP appears to be missing on motion to ensure more transparency on NHS cuts

Friday, 16 September 2016 1 Comment by Claire

An important motion put before parliament this week on ensuring much more transparency over proposed controversial cuts failed with 195 in favour, verses 280 against.

This is extremely disappointing, given our situation in Devon, which is at the top of the list of being financially challenged, with huge bed cuts planned across acute and community hospitals.

This was only revealed by the BBC in a leaked document last week.

The motion read: “That this house notes with concern that NHS sustainability and transformation plans are expected to lead to significant cuts to changes to frontline services; believes that the process agreed by the Government in December 2015 lacks transparency and the timeline announced by NHS England is insufficient to finalise such a major restructure of the NHS; further believes that the timeline does not allow for adequate public or parliamentary engagement in the formulation of the plans; and calls on the government to publish the plans and to provide an adequate consultation period for the public and practitioners to respond.”

This is a thoroughly excellent motion in my opinion and cannot surely be disagreed with, except perhaps by a political party who appear to be calling the damaging shots in relation to bringing the NHS to its metaphorical knees.

Our MP, Hugo Swire is no longer a foreign office minister and his twitter feed showed him in Westminster this week, yet he is not listed as voting on the motion. Is this a mistake?. Mr Swire claims to care about local hospitals. This debate should surely have been a number one priority for him.

Where was he?
Division 67, NHS Sustainability and Transformation Plans - Hansard Online

East Devon MP appears to be missing on motion to ensure more transparency on NHS cuts - Claire Wright.

from Futures Forum The future of Sidmouth's Blackmore Health Centre >>> >>> Save Our Surgery >>> MP Hugo Swire to attend talks >>> 11.15am Monday 19th September - Entrepreneur Generations

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