Building a Charter for Trees >>> What are your stories about trees? ... to help the Woodland Trust 'understand what people want and need from trees' - Entrepreneur Generations

There are some wonderful trees in the County:
Futures Forum: King John's Oak, an 800 year old Veteran English Oak tree in the medieval deer park at Shute >>> >>> vote for the Woodland Trust Tree of the Year Award

And some wonderful tree projects too:
Futures Forum: Exeter Tree Tales >>> from Common Ground

Here's a message from the County's Tree Champion for the Woodland Trust, urging us to get close to our tree memories:

Share your story of your favourite memory of being in a wood

Posted: 10 Oct 2016

Westhill Woods in Autumn

The Woodland Trust is asking for people to share their stories about happy memories of trees and woodlands, so they can create a Tree Charter to help with protecting and planting trees.

In East Devon we are lucky to have access to beautiful countryside and woodlands but if we are to ever catch up with Europe we need to plant many many more trees.

We are sparsely wooded compared with most of Europe in percentage terms.

What is your favourite memory of a tree or a woodland? Mine is sitting on a tree branch chatting to a friend and walking through local woods in the evening. Always a special and magical time because you see so much more wildlife then. I love trees and it makes me really sad to see developers view them as nothing more than obstructions to building. Share your stories!

Here’s the link -

Share your story of your favourite memory of being in a wood - Claire Wright

This is from the Tree Charter site:

Tell us about a wood you visited as child or the trees you pass on the way to work. Maybe you have a memory of the first tree you planted, or an object created from a piece of timber. Let us know how trees have touched your life, and help us create a charter that reflects the true value of trees and woods to people in the UK.

We need your stories to help us understand what people want and need from trees. Then together we can build a charter that helps people and trees stand stronger together.

Tree Charter - Share your story -

from Futures Forum Building a Charter for Trees >>> What are your stories about trees? ... to help the Woodland Trust 'understand what people want and need from trees' - Entrepreneur Generations

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