In my latest column for the Financial Post, I explore two of the key tenets that guide Linamar in its journey. They address two strategic priorities that most businesses face:
1. How do you avoid waste and bloat as your company grows?
2. How do you plan for a future of continuous, unpredictable technology and business change?
In each case, Linamar's solutions are both aggressive and elegant in their simplicity:
1. Linamar has created a culture in which all employees are expected to come up with at least six ideas for improvement every year.
2. Linamar has instituted a 100-year planning process, which helps senior management identify the spots where its capabilities and new business opportunities best intersect.
How are these bold initiatives making a difference at Linamar? How might similar tactics change the future of your company? Click here to read my interview with Linda Hasenfratz.
from Canadian Entrepreneur How Linamar maintains its edge while planning for an unpredictable future - Entrepreneur Generations
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