Neighbourhood Plan: Vision Group workshop on survey >>> Weds 19th Oct - Entrepreneur Generations

Now is the time to make specific contributions to the Sid Valley's Neighbourhood Plan:
Futures Forum: Neighbourhood Plan: New survey aimed at businesses and special interest groups >>> fill in online or download a form

This Wednesday 19th October - as of 7pm in the centre of town - the Vision Group will be filling in its 'special interest group' form. 

This will be a collaborative session - and anyone who has attended a VGS meeting, is keen on the issues which Sustainable Sidmouth promotes or is interested in the Transition Town movement is welcome to come along and help put together the Vision Group's contribution:
Vision Group for Sidmouth - VGS Coordination Meeting

The VGS will be filling in the form available here:
SurveyMonkey Powered Online Survey

With more information on the Town Council website:
NeighbourHood Plan - Sidmouth Town Council

Sustainable Sidmouth is part of the Vision Group:
Vision Group for Sidmouth - Sustainable Sidmouth

And Sustainable Sidmouth is part of the Transition Town initiative:
What is a Transition Initiative? | Transition Network

The Vision Group put together a 'Vision for Sidmouth' in 2006, following a year of consultation. Although much of it is out of date, there are some issues of interest for the current Neighbourhood Planning process:
Vision Group for Sidmouth - A vision for Sidmouth
Futures Forum: The Vision Group for Sidmouth: a short history... and looking to the future...

Finally: "One of the basic conditions underlying a Neighbourhood Plan should be that it contributes to the achievement of sustainable development."

from Futures Forum Neighbourhood Plan: Vision Group workshop on survey >>> Weds 19th Oct - Entrepreneur Generations

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