Blown away: "Let's put the wind back in the sails of onshore wind" - Entrepreneur Generations

Just how popular is wind energy?
Futures Forum: "In praise of wind turbines": man-made landscapes
Futures Forum: A wind farm for the Jurassic Coast?

And what about the 'right kind of mix'?
Futures Forum: Solar, wind, fracking: "We seem simultaneously to be mismanaging the exploitation of three key decentralised energy sources."

Especially in view of where we are today?
Futures Forum: Modern energy >>> the world is shifting toward renewables
Futures Forum: Brexit: and energy: nuclear, renewables and climate change
Futures Forum: Climate change: another record-breaking year, increases in emissions ... and investing in renewable technologies

The 10:10 campaign wants to take things further:

Let's put the wind back in the sails of onshore wind.
This week, the chancellor made his autumn statement. With the popularity of onshore wind soaring to an all time high, we had our fingers crossed he’d take note and offer more support for clean energy.
But unfortunately, onshore wind - the cheapest clean energy option on offer - doesn’t seem to be on his radar.
We know our prosperity will be powered by a clean, smart energy system. Support for renewable energy is high, and sooner or later, the tide will turn. We know it, the government’s own reports say it1, and it’s time the Treasury got behind it too.
Our journey doesn’t end here. In October, our research with Imperial College found that only 17% of all news coverage of onshore wind was positive, despite 73% of the population being in support of it. We need to step it up, so let’s tackle the media.
So here’s what you can do. Write to a paper (one of the national ones, or your local press) and let them know why you support wind. Never done something like this before? No worries, we’ve made a handy guide to help you.
It's up to us to change the story.
The Wind: UK Public Backs Wind Over Fracking
1 Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (2016). 'Energy and Climate Change Public Attitude Tracker: Wave 19'.

10:10 brings people together to do positive, practical stuff that helps tackle climate change.

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from Futures Forum Blown away: "Let's put the wind back in the sails of onshore wind" - Entrepreneur Generations

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