Community Voice on Planning: National Conference report >>> NIMBY – reality or slur? - Entrepreneur Generations

CoVoP met recently to consider the mess that is planning law:
Futures Forum: Community Voice on Planning: National Conference reports >>> "Planning our fight-back"
Futures Forum: Community Voice on Planning: National Conference report >>> exploring the mess that is the current planning system

The conference was subtitled as a retort to the notion of nimbyism:
Futures Forum: NIMBY – reality or slur? >>> Community Voice on Planning: National Conference

Here is a further report from South-West representatives:


30 NOVEMBER 2016

“Communities across the South West have been suffering for some time from a planning system that all too often works against their interests while not serving the needs of the country.

Community Voice on Planning’s National Conference took place in Leeds recently and attracted delegates from as far away as Devon, over 20 groups across the South West being affiliated to CoVoP.

The South West has seen much recent inappropriate development: from building on the green belt around Bristol to unaffordable housing in St Ives and Salcombe. Building on Areas of Natural Beauty, on flood plains, prime farmland and public parks and swamping of green spaces around villages are further all-too-common examples.

Housing Targets are typically inflated and based on questionable methodology. And the current planning system encourages developers to land-bank, slow build-out rates allowing them to increase prices and exploit the 5-year land supply requirement to get even more planning permissions. Developers challenge planning restrictions through viability studies so that infrastructure or affordable housing needs are not met. And developers prefer to build expensive housing rather than the lower-cost houses that people actually need.

We, the undersigned, call upon the public as a matter of urgency to contact their MPs to change planning laws and halt the desecration of our green and pleasant land which is being sacrificed to the economic gain of a few developers and landowners, with public opinion ignored by councils and government.

Georgina Allen (Devon United) Jackie Green (Save Our Sidmouth) Stephen Henry (St Austell, Save Our Unspoilt Land (S.O.U.L.) Paul Adams, MBE (DefeND North Devon) Julie Fox (Your Kids’ Future Cornwall) Dr Louise MacAllister (Save Exmouth Seafront) Peter Burton (Our Cornwall) Mike Temple (East Devon Alliance) David Hurford (Pilton Residents Group) Ron Morton (Save Our Green Spaces)”

from Futures Forum Community Voice on Planning: National Conference report >>> NIMBY – reality or slur? - Entrepreneur Generations

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