Knowle relocation project: further amendments to PegasusLife planning application >>> deadline for comments: Friday 11th November - Entrepreneur Generations

There have been substantial criticisms made over the proposals at the Knowle site:
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: a far more imposing development than assumed? >>> Part Eight: 'the replacement buildings would be highly intrusive, changing the townscape from several angles.' 

And the planning officers don't seem to be able to make up their mind what exactly is being offered by the developer PegasusLife:
Futures Forum: Knowle Relocation Project: How to classify the proposed development: as C3 housing or as C2 care home? 

More amendments have been made to the original planning application - although to what extent they actually satisfy any concerns...

Further 28 documents on Knowle submitted by Pegasus Life. Deadline for comments 11th November 2016

November 2, 2016 by sidmouthsid 1 Comment

The District Council has received more amendments to the Planning Application (ref 16/0872/MFUL) for Knowle. They consist of Pegasus Life’s revised drainage and bat mitigation reports, together with amendments to the design and footprint of building E and the associated landscaping.


The plans and Design Access Statement show (a) that Building E is moved very slightly north with planting around it (not a major change) and (b) Pegasus are arguing that the summerhouse is already shrouded in vegetation (how has this occurred?) and that views from the south will remain largely unaffected. The revised Drainage and Bat statements are lengthy, requiring close attention.

Please note that the 28 new documents are proving slow to download from the EDDC website applications/. Alternatives,and instructions for commenting, are given in this extract from the notification e-mail circulated by EDDC on 28 October 2016.(NB.Highlighting in bold added by SOS):

‘Alternatively, they can be seen at the Council Offices, Knowle, Sidmouth between 8.30am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday. If you wish to make any representations about the proposal, you can do so on the website or write to us at East Devon District Council Offices, Knowle, Sidmouth quoting the application no. 16/0872/MFUL by 11 November 2016. Please mark the letter for the attention of the Central Team and copy your letter to the relevant Parish or Town Council. You should be aware that any comments raised will become public knowledge.’

Contact for the planning team: 
Tel: 01395 516551


Paul F
November 2, 2016 at 1:07 pm

Just how late in the consultation period can new documents be submitted without causing the end-date to move back.

Further 28 documents on Knowle submitted by Pegasus Life. Deadline for comments 11th November 2016 | Save Our Sidmouth

The comment from the East Devon Watch blog makes a point or two:

Someone is in a hurry …. could an EDDC/PegasusLife deadline be nearing? And are these major or minor amendments? Major amendments need to go through the planning process and DMC. Putting through major amendments as minor ones could give grounds for a judicial review …

“Further 28 documents on Knowle submitted by Pegasus Life. Deadline for comments 11th November 2016” | East Devon Watch

See also:
Pegasus Life plans for Knowle..the big picture | Save Our Sidmouth
Pegasus Life’s latest revised plans for Knowle now submitted | Save Our Sidmouth

from Futures Forum Knowle relocation project: further amendments to PegasusLife planning application >>> deadline for comments: Friday 11th November - Entrepreneur Generations

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